Welcome to the Grifternet !

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A great blog, I just read the part of subscribe to youtube channels. I propose another thing too, and evade the use of a google account: You can subscribe to youtube channels via RSS , using extensions like feedbro or any RSS client.
danielsblog 1 year ago

Yes, it's also good variant, but personally, in my regions, Youtube here is blocked, so RSS didn't works here.

danielsblog 1 year ago

Thank you very much for my blog rating!

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I just found firefox not let you to delete "google" from the search engines list, even changing it of position. Another proof mozilla have high ties with google and they are under their control.
Perhaps the biggest fear is how will implement the fingerprinting Tor and Mullvad now firefox is being to doom. I recommend block updates in the browser until see what will they do..
Firefox has changed their "Fingerprint protection" from Firefox-ESR to "Know Fingerprinters" in the last firefox release, moving from an absolute protection to a "selected protection". Is clear where is this going, so, I'm leaving Firefox and moving to the next ship: Mullvad browser and Tor. I will not finish the guide for firefox here.
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CreatedDec 13, 2023
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