quinn @ g0reh0und

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yay big site update!
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i gotta update my site and make it look all professional at some point... when my brain isnt on wintermode
g0reh0und 6 months ago

also if i ever become a neocities supporter definitely gonna change my site name. it's a bit too edgy for my whole thang. like i know i produce a comic with blood and nuns and murder and ghosts but im not a "gore hound" ya know.

g0reh0und 6 months ago

i made it my site name because i was going through an edgy phase where i was really sad all the time and listened to harley poe so.

g0reh0und 6 months ago

wait im a big dummy it can already be changed. but im a bit nervous if that will break anything so whateva!!!!

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biocatzard 6 months ago

stuff will only break if others have linked to ur site or if u included the site name when adding stuff like images!

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going to revamp for bunny bunny comic stuff!!!!!!!! wowie
wow ok sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth! will try to update site eventually :)
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Website Stats

Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 20, 2022
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art personal lgbtq comic webcomic