quinn @ g0reh0und

9,953 updates
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snewberry 4 months ago

love your gallery <3

i want to make some nice site reviews or taglines or what for my mutuals on here at some point..., maybe expand to sites i like in general following or not ... hmrm
g0reh0und 4 months ago

just to get to have a chance to go on record to have a section dedicated to sharing other sites with detail and stuff hehe

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g0reh0und 4 months ago

ahh another idea i had that would be good would be a mobile/bad internet connection layout of the site... i love complicated maximalist webpages as much as the next guy but i do want to make sure people have the option for something a bit less if its more accessable.

g0reh0und 4 months ago

i really just ought to make a to-do list lol

i love your writing & manifesto and the site's look & feel in general! :) also you have good taste in tv shows and books and stuff <3
frandszk 4 months ago

thank you sm!!! i really love your site :DD

i wish replying to comments worked on here!! if you've ever replied to me and i didnt reply back thank you for that
g0reh0und 4 months ago

also;.... next monday i will finally post something new 😭 sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for a couple weeks! family drama, highschool, and community college drop kicked me for a little but i'm getting stuff back together in terms of comic updating. hope you're having a good day/night while reading this if anyone reads this. hehe

tehuan 5 months ago

omg a storygraph user !! adding you rn ...

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also i never mentioned this but im in the transring now WOO!!!!!!!!! turbo time
dont think im gonna revamp my site theme actually... it just needed a better background set up. i'm happy with it for now :o)
furbee 5 months ago

I like the new background a lot! It really fits your homepage theme and compliments the characters there too!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 20, 2022
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art personal lgbtq comic webcomic