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Do you have any tip about how to make my website look normal on phone?
kryptonaut 2 years ago

Without using JS? Take a look at "@media (pointer: coarse){}" in CSS. Anything within the curly brackets will only activate when there is a touchscreen. Also, if you put it near the bottom of your stylesheet, it will override anything with the same class name, so you can format things specifically for mobile devices.

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celesto 2 years ago

Appreciate your time for replying, so my problem is , my H1 TITLE animated logo is warped if i use my phone, if you could take a look on my codes and give me some advice that would be good. btw i loved your website ❤️

Hello cryptos
Hello lainzine , my website is crap in mobile , i dont know why, any trick

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Last updated 2 years ago
CreatedApr 27, 2022
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