Lost Letters

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Reflected on my site's guiding principle over the past year on neocities (create what only you can) and how much this little web dev hobby has enriched my life:
fri11s 7 months ago

love this guiding principle. definitely going to borrow it

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yourdevilfriends 7 months ago

I have had this exact same mindset for about two years now. I started much in the same way as you, just wanting something cute... and then created something that is truly my own!

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jrs-storytime 7 months ago

Awww. Enjoyed this read.

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inkcaps 7 months ago

Ohhh, this blog post genuinely touched me up! The honesty of your sentiments are really exciting, and have a way of reigniting excitement and passion too! What really resonated with me is the potential within yourself that you described, and how you were able to channel it into something you truly! It's so exciting to think about what dwells inside each person, if we give ourselves the patience and grace to try!! ♡♡

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lostletters 7 months ago

Thanks so much for the love on this post! I'm so happy it resonated. I love discovering sites that earnestly speak to a unique part of the author's life and experience. We all have that within us, and it's amazing that we all have websites where we can express that if we choose. I'm rooting for all of us!

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paintkiller 7 months ago

"create what only you can" - LOVE IT

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Last updated 7 hours ago
CreatedOct 28, 2022
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