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zanarkand 2 years ago

like shia said: // i too i'm in the same situation, but i don't really know what to do, hehe! people say it's never too late, and i honestly believe that. if you want to change, you can surely do it, mamo! you have a great mind and i honestly believe you are capable of whatever u decide to do.

kakashi 2 years ago

@zanarkand AHHH wow thank u so much yobun i rlly appreciate it T_T<3 ((made me choke up haha)) i really hope things are able to turn around for the better for you as well T___T <3 <3

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sanhyo 2 years ago


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rbuchanan 2 years ago

In what were you going to major?

kakashi 2 years ago

@rbuchanon environmental science was what i wanted to major in, but i ended up doing computer science instead (the only interest i have in that is html and only as a hobby haha)

rbuchanan 2 years ago

The (wholly necessary) restrictions imposed on these comments hardly conduce nuanced and sound counsel. Nathless, if you're to shoulder the onus of student debt (characterized as it is by marginal usury), you should study a course that'll ensure eligibility for a career that's both lucrative and enjoyable. In particular, no few berths for environmental chemists are available in both the private and public sectors.

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kakashi 2 years ago

@rbuchanan thank you :) i cant speak as eloquently as you haha but i really appreciate your insight :D

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CreatedApr 29, 2017
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