Wizard Perspective Portal

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

Are you fat? That might cause it. >I started composing again --> Good.

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

Nice homepage. Looks really good.

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wizardperspective 1 year ago

Used to be. Not anymore. If anything, I'm underweight now. I lost weight a couple of years ago and it was the best decision I'd ever made.

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wizardperspective 1 year ago

I wasn't overweight when I was high school either. I was outside all the time during the summer and had the same experiences I feel now when I get hot.

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

Strange. Sorry that happens to you, but at least you found out what it was. Make sure you take vitamin D if you stay indoors a lot.

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

Who needs 3d printing when you have 2 by 4s and pipes

wizardperspective 1 year ago

Ah yeah. The "Marry and Reproduce" blaster with an electronic trigger.

pnnamerica 1 year ago

I got community college paid for by the government. Got a 2 year. That was enough for me. Seems like you would need a masters to get anything worthwhile. And Jobs where you need a 4 year degree can usually be worked up to from a lower position. TBH I just want to make enough so I can sail around the world. Maybe go on a vagrant holiday.

wizardperspective 1 year ago

My personal goal is to someday own my own property. Somewhere outside from the city or suburban areas. A nice rural and quiet area. That seems to be getting more difficult these days though. Apparently the goverment thinks I'm too old for aid so I don't really get anything for financial assitance. I paid last semester via bi-monthly payment plans.

pnnamerica 1 year ago

Good luck, China and Bill Gates will make that hard.

takeapiece 1 year ago

Buying land and houses are becoming increasingly hard. I'm renting a basement to save money and it still sucks. I know junior Marines with a family penny-pinching to not get into debt. Idk, I just want to leave city life and start a simple farm.

takeapiece 1 year ago

@ PNNamerica as well. I got my associates and stopped there. Idk how I even managed to get good grades with how much I hate school. I'm also bad at it. My sister is a doctor and I was always compared to her so I can relate to some level with your mom. People are always chasing 'success' and society deems those who want a simple life as failures. Even if find success, it's just you trying to maintain it.

lawneet 1 year ago

No shame in not wanting to go to law school ;) Legal practice can be pretty miserable, even if you are earning a lot. You'll be happier doing a job you find fulfilling whilst living somewhere you like, prestige be damned.

holeinmyheart 1 year ago

"carnival cruise core" hehehe nice

holeinmyheart 1 year ago

wow!! those sicknesses sound really awful and annoying. i really hope it gets fixed!

des 1 year ago

Best of luck with your studies and health mate, today's overpriced schooling is dreadful but it's nice to be able to apply your newfound knowledge to personal projects/things you already like.

preresent 1 year ago

At this point I think there might be something in the water or air /srs like a contaminated pipe or smth. Maybe you could pirate your textbooks? I think you'll go to Heaven (if it exists) because from what I've read you deserve to. I hope you get better soon :(

didntask 1 year ago

come home, Catholic man. also please feel better and consider seeing a doctor for some kind of meds, that sounds miserable. You're a tough guy for coping with that at all.

pnnamerica 1 year ago

Book tip, though I don't know how this works now. I would just but the book 1 or 2 versions back used. Normally like $5 compared to $100-$300. When I got the book I would show my teacher and say I was low on money etc. and if I could just use this version. They would always agree. Don't know how that would work for you.

lawneet 1 year ago

I don't know if it's like this at your college, but both of mine had a couple of every core textbook in the library. If not, you could always request that they purchase a copy. Hope your health clears up!

wizardperspective 1 year ago

Thanks for the moral support and yeah getting the right books is usually a hassle. Back when I was in Uni years ago, we used to share our textbooks or just scan the homework problems. The textbook companies probably caught wind of this and started using digital codes so that you would have to do the problems online.

wizardperspective 1 year ago

I'm starting to think the health problems I am experiencing is due to lack of vitamins. At least that's what the doctor had said yesterday. I don't really have any health problems other than not being able to handle high temperatures.

LMAO the cursive fonts just loaded up on my site and it's awful. That was a mistake. Gotta change it back! :D
wizardperspective 1 year ago

I won't lie, it seems classy but it hurts my eyes.

preresent 1 year ago

when i saw the cursive i was like "nope" and just used firefox reader mode to read your blog LOL

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