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letslearntogether 1 year ago

A belief in "nothing" is itself a belief, similar to how the statement "all truth is relative" assumes itself to be an absolute truth. How do the beliefs that one holds influence the decisions that they make, and what are the results of those choices? Your constructive goals are worth pursuing, and catharsis can be found through joy rather than pain.

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letslearntogether 1 year ago

"Are we all aware of our fleeting time and actively choosing how to best spend every minute of it?"...This is definitely something worth meditating on.

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letslearntogether 1 year ago

Insightful comments. Yes, noise level seems like such a small thing, but it has a huge impact on sleep quality. Poor sleep and lack of food are not conducive to clear thinking. There may also be a persistent underlying stress from a continual fear of survival. Impoverished areas tend to be violent because people are desperate...

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letslearntogether 1 year ago

...Desperation can make one do wild things, and people self-destruct through "illicit trades" to try to escape it...Sorry, not to be a downer. My only point is that all issues are interconnected. Fortunately, in the resolution of one, there is hope for the others. May your peace increase and your eye heal up fast.

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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 22, 2021
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