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pnnamerica 1 year ago

Took a lot of guts to do all that, you should feel proud regardless of how it went. The way you describe her age makes her sound like a smoker. The way she dresses sounds like me, casual as fuck, but I probably would have dressed up a bit for a date. Shows you she did not really care much about it. >Her dad was white. Press X to doubt. 24 and getting dropped off by your parents is fucking strange.

pnnamerica 1 year ago

As for the girl. Run the other direction on that one.

didntask 1 year ago

1- utterly based for not respecting the bone-diggers. 2- you did good, don't be demoralized. it's not uncommon for 3's to think they deserve 10's. keep up the momentum and you'll meet a nice girl who isn't a slob. NEXT TIME (because there will be one) know what she looks like first, because even though this was good experience, it couldn't have ended well anyway.

didntask 1 year ago

Unless at the end of the date, she pulled off her fat suit like a Scooby Doo villain and was just testing to see if you were shallow.

ariacrypt 1 year ago

Thank you for writing this! Many laughs, I enjoy your writing. All the best!

pnnamerica 1 year ago

You ain't alone bro. We are here. :)

didntask 1 year ago

what pnn said

pnnamerica 1 year ago

There is this place near me run by a religious church group. Kind of like a town goodwill. It is how goodwill used to be. Super cheap things that they just want to move through the store asap. Can get really good deals on stuff.

pnnamerica 1 year ago

Microsoft Sidewinder Flightstick, I could have sent you mine. Not even worth 5 bucks.

pnnamerica 1 year ago

Cute aspie cashier, there is this girl at my work with super unkept hair and she is super cute to me for some reason.

pnnamerica 1 year ago

I don't like setting time limits on myself for something like that because if it comes and goes without hitting your goal, it can be a letdown. I dunno, I just like to let stuff happen naturally. Though it is really hard to meet people nowadays. Only advice I can give is read more books. And not just any books. Try to read books on the top 100 list. The goal should be making yourself better, and the girl will come.

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wizardperspective 1 year ago

I guess in someway that's true. I never liked having due dates on things like assignments in the past but I always make it priority to do things as early as I can so that I don't feel like I'm holding off doing something for too long. That's one way the time limit helps me in this case.

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wizardperspective 1 year ago

I wouldn't call myself an avid reader but I occasionally like reading books from time to time. Mostly historical or military related stuff because I find it facinating. Perhaps I have to expand into non-fiction or other genres.

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

Keep trucking. There is always a chance for some miracle, or a random changeup in your life. Just try to stay positive. A poor outlook can have a physical toll on yourself.

wizardperspective 1 year ago

That's the plan. As long as I keep myself occupied with something, I am less likely to fall into some depressed state of mind. Even if it's video games. I've gotten better at dealing with that negative state of mind over the past few days.

pnnamerica 1 year ago

Good mindset. Push forward with stuff you enjoy.

nsp 1 year ago

Great content! Thanks for sharing.

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

I love you bro.

didntask 1 year ago

What pnn said. And don't give up. At least on love, idk if our election fraud is fixable, but we're at least in control of our love lives.

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wizardperspective 1 year ago

LMAO and thanks you guys. I'll take it. And yeah, not too concerned about the state the country.

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