Neon rust n' alien dust!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

I'll be adding some new textures today, to get the main page nearly done!

Heya there! I just checked your gallery and gosh- your art style is so surreal and cool!! It’s sci-fi under a different coat of paint, and I really dig it! Keep up the superb work there! ✨⚡️
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voskhod 1 year ago

Thank you so much! Your website is gorgeous and I appreciate your kind comment :D

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Oh, you're very welcome! You earned it for sure! And thank you so much!! :'] I'm super glad you enjoyed it so far, I've been loving to bring it to life! ^^

Amazing use of colour. Fantastic artworks!
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Oh, I- Gosh, thank you so much!! This means a whole lot to me, I've been putting a lot of heart into every bit of my page, and it couldn't be more gratifying! :'] And btw, there's a LOT more I still wanna add art-wise-

Ohoh, I found the culprits of the slow loading times >:] First, the JS preload code was broken (and had to grab another one somewhere, which worked!), and the BG was unnecessarily heavy data-wise. I'm surprised with how compressing the file made it load much faster! WOO!! ⚡
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also- gosh, I just remembered I have a guestbook :'P I'll reply to you guys, sorry for leaving you hanging!

tetrisk-lair 1 year ago

Oh god what's that green goo leaking from the ceiling? Isn't that a health hazard for your visitors?

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Oh, that's paint! Definitely paint :] All of my pigments are made inside the lab, with the brightest ones involving quite... unusual sources. But don't think too hard on them lol, nothing too bizarre happened because of them... yet.

fabulouskilljoys 1 year ago

Everything is loading *instantly* now!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@fabulouskilljoys Oh yess! I'm finally super happy with the loading times lol, any platform can load it! ^^

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Phew, I worked a lot today! I finished painting a bunch of pipes I wanted to add to the top part of the page, painted the tea panel, redid the fun fact panel and added a visitor counter! ^^ I might add the missing textures to the other panels later...

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also wow- even the guestbook has a weird-looking thumbnail here... I fixed it to hold images and replies properly! And lastly, I managed to FINALLY get my enter button to play the reversed animation with JS!! I'm so happy aaa-

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Ok, I might've figured out a way to preload the images... though I'm not sure if it worked. Can you guys give me some feedback if anything changed speed-wise? :7

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Edit: things are loading a bit faster now! Not immediately, but it's better than before. I'll see how many other assets I'll manage to finish for this page today ;]

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fabulouskilljoys 1 year ago

It’s definitely loading cleaner now! For me before, the boxes and images would kinda jump around but now it’s not

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

@fabulouskilljoys Oh, I'm glad to hear that! I also realized the js code I was using was broken! I found another one to replace it :P

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Ok, NOW I think I'm satisfied with the layout... cause yep, I messed with the grids again, and had to divide a bunch of rows to have more control over the divs' position. The best part is that now the space is better distributed, and everything looks and feels more compact :P I also added an extra button today!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

And btw- I'm still trying to figure out how to preload the background images :'T I've already tried to use the body::after type of code, but it didn't work. Do you guys have any ideas?

Heya there! I'm just passing by to appreciate how intriguing your animation works are... for real, I truly dig how they have this surreal horror type of vibe, while talking about introspective dramas and struggles that become a lot more powerful in the visual medium! Definitely very unique and inspiring! Wish you all the best on your future projects, and stay weird n' creative! :]
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I've just updated my page with the first mood of the week! :P I've been in a surreal/weirdcore mood lately, so I went for some distorted n' dreamy vibes lol
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Oh, and btw- I FINALLY figured out why my images weren't preloading... they're background images, not regular images :'] I'll have to figure out a different code, I guess-


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CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art portfolio comic artist worldbuilding