Neon rust n' alien dust!

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Heya there! I just stumbled upon your page, and can say I dig all the colorful vibes and the cartoonish aesthetic! Keep up the funky n' cool coding work! :]
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ninacti0n 1 year ago

You’re welcome! ⚡️

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Well guys, today was kind of a busy day for me! I implemented a random fact system for the fact panel, fixed some weird behaviors in the guestbook (again), and hope to add the remaining textures a bit later.

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

I'll also focus on messing with my about page's layout tomorrow! I gotta test some of the design ideas I had ^^ And speaking of layout... it seems my thumbnail image will never look right :'D

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Dang, I'm with the weird feeling my brain wants every page to feel unique, just like that guestbook section :'D Idk about it though, since I wanted the pages in the navbar to follow a certain line of appearance (as you saw when I matched the socials tab with the home tab), and then make all the other pages you can visit different. Eh, I'll see what I do! Hopefully it'll turn out cool in the end :P
ninacti0n 1 year ago

You know what... I'm already thinking on ways to fuse the best of both worlds, and can tell it's gonna look awesome >:] I'll give it a test drive on my About page design, since I already started working on it-

Hello there! I Hope you're having a good day/night. I'm really glad to have my site added to the Soho neighborhood, but I'm afraid you forgot to add my description to it- I recall writing it when I submitted my site for you to review. Do I need to write it again for you to add, or do you still have the one I wrote? Thanks for your time and patience!
neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

I will add it this afternoon. Apologies.

ninacti0n 1 year ago

No worries! I'm already glad you'll do something about it. Have a great day!

neo-neighborhoods 1 year ago

Your listing has been updated. Thanks.

You've got a pretty unique aesthetic going on here- I don't think I've seen a page that feels like it's slightly being pushed by wind yet, so that's interesting lol. Your art looks very detailed as well! Keep up the neat coding work! ^^
zoidart 1 year ago

Awh thanks!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

You're very welcome! ⚡

Oh wow, your site looks so cozy and nice- I love those aesthetics with a handmade kind of vibe lol, they feel like an invitation to explore and have a good time! ⚡ Also, the birds section is an awesome one - birds are some of my oldest inspos, and it's great to see other people enjoy them too! Keep up the superb coding work there! ^^
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ratwalks 1 year ago

thank you so much!! this was such a nice comment to receive. i'm glad you like my bird section! your site is so bright and colourful, it's very fun to look around. and i love your art!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Aw, you're very welcome! I'm glad to share what I enjoyed about your page :D And thank you so much!! It means a whole lot you enjoyed my site and arts so far :']

Erm... guys, do you have any ideas on what I could do to embed one of my songs? I've tried using Catbox, but all I'm getting is a server error, and using Google Drive is being more convoluted than I thought :'7 Any help is greatly appreciated!
flutteristhebest 1 year ago

personally when i embed a song i uploaded it to discord and used the file from discord!!

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Hmm, that's actually a pretty neat idea! The sad part is that I don't have discord :[ Thank you so much for suggesting though! I'll definitely consider it if I don't find other options, since I've been thinking about having discord for a while :P

webcatz 1 year ago

using google drive's not too complicated in my experience... just open the file in a new tab, grab the file id from the url, and then add it at the end of this link: "". it also has to be shared with the setting "anyone with the link can open" too i think

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Oh, I ended up doing something really similar! Though I only figured it out after a while of browsing tutorials on how to do it... I also had an "&" in the middle of the id (had forgotten html uses a special language for those symbols), so yeah, I had some head-scratching moments :'D I'm glad I managed to get it to work in the end though! Thank you for the help nonetheless, Tz! ^^^

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starrs 1 year ago

in the future, you could try using this website! it does the same thing tz suggested, except the process is more automatic :D ""

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

Oh wow Starrs, I had no idea someone had the awesome idea to simplify things- thank you so much for sharing!! ⭐

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ninacti0n 1 year ago

I hope to add a music player today, since I finally managed to record some of my songs! Though I'll only put one song to play, since I'll have a dedicated place with my full playlist! ^^

ninacti0n 1 year ago


I can't believe it- I actually figured out a proper way to record my KORG DS-10 compositions, and it's a lot simpler than I thought! Eee, I'm so happy!! Finally, my songs won't have any bits of noise behind them :'D
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Also yes- this means I'll be adding a song to my main page tomorrow ;]

Lazy loading basically makes it so pictures only load once the browser scrolls to them (instead of everything loading all at once along with the page)! if you have a ton of images (like I do in my galleries), it lessens the browser load a lot!
ninacti0n 1 year ago

Oh wow, that's truly neat! :0 I'll definitely think about adding lazy loading to my gallery, it's gonna help a lot with the loading times (besides preloading n' stuff)! Thank you so much for the explanation, Guilda! ^^

gildedware 1 year ago

I'm super glad to help!! This is the code I used as a base for mine: (also, having art images be .webp is also a godsend! with both of these things I'm praying nobody ever has issues with my galleries again KJHSFMKLA)

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swiftyshq 1 year ago

oh, i'd heard about it but didn't really look into it. i should do that, thank you!

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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJun 14, 2022
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art portfolio comic artist worldbuilding