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What r some things you guys always wanted to do with ur websites, but didn't want to actually put in the effort to have them created? Looking for inspiration for new widgets.
emptygod 2 years ago

hmmmm probably a radio that plays my favorite songs

digitalseas 2 years ago

i wanted to embed my own personal videos that were like really obscure and cryptic in a way. not scary just kind of dreamy :P

disc-content 2 years ago

a way for site visitors to toggle between background colors. (no idea if this is easy or hard, just thought of it.)

0x07 2 years ago

How about browser extensions to turbocharge the actual Neocities ecosystem/experience as a whole?

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retrokid 2 years ago

maybe a secret diary page that could be accessed by clicking something in the main diary page? i wanted to create something like that but i have too much on my plate already ^^'

helianthuspetal 2 years ago

i wanted to put in a font switcher from serif to comic sans, which worked but i couldn't figure out how to set a cookie so u wouldn't have to keep hitting the button. also wanna make an art page but im unsure how to display it...

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yupthatsme 2 years ago

one of this scrolling navigation bars that used to be popular on GeoCities. I did it once but bailed because it didn't come out right

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