Baloo's Revue

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Nice blog posts, especially on RSS feeds. Check out my Retro GUI Guide if youre interested in a more sane, FOSS operating system desktop environment.
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dynomax 1 year ago

Hey thanks for the message, I will go back to write more stuff soon. I saw your guide and it is really cool seeing it being updated, I'm still on Win10 LTSC for the time being but I am really digging CinnXP on LMDE as a retro desktop.

1 like
Excellent clean website design!
1 like
Wow your site has really improved, nice work!
hekate 2 years ago

Thank u :-D I try

Did you ever find out a new way to get a hit counter on Neocities? I kind of miss that part of my site!
1 like
dann 2 years ago

Yes. It's the same method really but I needed a new server to act as the middleman. Bill from BillsWorld graciously provided his assistance, so if you follow the tutorial again, it will provide you the correct link.

baloo 1 year ago

Nearly a year later I finally figured this out! It seems that the API link in plaintext changed from to


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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedAug 30, 2017
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