The web site of DigiDevil

3,406 updates
0 tips
How do I get people to see my site?
yeagh 1 year ago

it just sorta happens i guess, tags help a lot with that

1 like
Does anyone wanna put my button on their site?
1 like
yuentp 1 year ago

yes! just added it to my cool sites page <3

1 like
digital-devil 1 year ago

Yay thx! Do you have one? If you do I’ll add yours to mine!

yuentp 1 year ago

@digital-devil yes! it's in the link me section on the sidebar of my homepage :D

From 1-10 how would yall rate my site?
1 like
ddsnet 1 year ago

i think your site looks quite nice as a whole, it just looks a little bit small (although that is probably because you made it with an 800x600 monitor in mind)

Do y’all like spagetti?
How do I see all the people who followed me?
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I’m playing smt right, and the nukes went off and I got teleported. My angel and Jack Frost survived and went into the blue place but I can’t find pyro Jack.
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digital-devil 1 year ago

I miss you so much bro rest in peace 1992-2022 died in a nuclear blast. Not gonna be the same without you

Goodnight everyone
Yeah nvm about the webring thing, idk how to make it. I got an idea but It didnt work out so I have a different idea...
digital-devil 1 year ago

A button that everyone puts on their page called a terminal, It can do two things, "Save" or submit your site to the list, Or "teleport" which brings you to a random megaten fanpage!

digital-devil 1 year ago

Every time its completely random, so eventually youll find a new one every time assuming I get enough people to be part of my stupid idea.

I just added a alignment quiz!

Website Stats

Last updated 3 hours ago
CreatedMar 23, 2021
Site Traffic Stats


smt megaten gundam anime persona