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PLEURODELINAE was updated.
1 year ago
wow, i just love your sites aesthetic, i love that old period piece feel
pleurodelinae 1 year ago

Thank you so much!!

I think if i showed a Byzantine mosaicist Piskel they would understand it
buryevil 1 year ago

enlightened piskel user

1 like
PLEURODELINAE was updated.
1 year ago
I'd love to make some shrines (energy and time permitting) but they'd all be about, like. 20th century french comics and. moby dick. or something. i mean i'm not insecure about my interests i'll do it anyways but it's still funny
pleurodelinae 1 year ago

🥺👉🏽👈🏽please like my webpages about limestone rocks and the history of neckties

blamensir 1 year ago


noodledesk 1 year ago

please do i would LOVE....

bisuko 1 year ago

please that'd be fantastic <3

thank you for following me! your site is very cool. i love the dedication to the aesthetic. and your 'you should make art' essay is so good
pleurodelinae 1 year ago

Thank YOU for the kind words !! I love the scrapbook feel of your site, along with your linocuts <3

ratwalks 1 year ago

thank you so much! [[:

1 like
PLEURODELINAE was updated.
1 year ago
The new header image is currently up, I still want to tweak it (and i also wanna tweak the site code so it's less off kilter) but that's for tomorrow <3
paintkiller 1 year ago

Oh wow, it is SO beautiful!

buzzsawfunds 1 year ago

OUHG I LOVE IT!!!!! the colors!!! the lettering!! <33 putting this into one of those heart locket gifs in my mind

tombofnull 1 year ago

ngl for a second I was was playing spot-the-difference bc the old header was still loaded on my end LOL, but the surpise of seeing the new header after hitting F5 was magical

bechnokid 1 year ago

Your eye for detail is just breathtaking!! <3

noodledesk 1 year ago

it's gorgeous 💛🦎!!

Do y'all prefer my navigation as-is or would you like it better more descriptive? (So instead of just 'gallery' on the side leading to a page, it would be 'gallery' then a list of all the subpages under it on the nav bar). Currently indecisive (always indecisive)
ziggybeeps 1 year ago

There are pros and cons for either approach, and it depends entirely on the kind of experience you want to provide. Subnavigation allows people to more quickly get to something specific - not sure if that's your intent for the content you have on these pages. Your nav being vertical DOES allows for a lot of categories, so you have the opportunity to surface more if you want to.

ziggybeeps 1 year ago

So ultimately, do you want people to wander or to browse? (FWIW, I like what you have already, since the navigation is driven less by the buttons themselves and more by the narrative.)

pleurodelinae 1 year ago

@stefwithanf Thank you for your input !!

1 like
ziggybeeps 1 year ago

Of course! I hope that helps, it's... literally my job lmao

1 like
buzzsawfunds 1 year ago

both are good honestly! im also very indecisive so idk if i can be of much help-- that being said though, i think personally i prefer going down virtual rabbit holes (the way it is now) rather than having all the subpages be visible on the first page., (but there's virtues to including everything on the nav too.....) idrk! i just find it fun to click a lot of links !

1 like
pixelglade 1 year ago

If it was a drop down menu you could list the subpages but if it was in addition I think it could get a bit long and laborious to maintain if you have to manually update the navbar on every page each time you want to add something. I removed some subcategories myself because it was getting a bit long. But it's up to you in the end.

1 like
noodledesk 1 year ago

i had the same thought as you and ultimately have decided to keep mine as is and make browsing my site more about wandering...but i'm thinking of maybe putting a bunch of links on just my index so browsing is a little faster!

1 like
Bear with me here I'm working on a new site header image (& putting more detail into the lettering this time) and also some arts i've been wanting to do (prints about folktales, clothing drawings à la albert racinet, a few other things)
noodledesk 1 year ago

cant wait 💛


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Last updated 1 month ago
CreatedJan 4, 2020
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art comics writing worldbuilding stories