muse ariadne writing club

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this weeks fill, its kinda lazy but whatever:
ryomakesthings 4 weeks ago

I really like the idea of evolution as a conscious progress, as something you can shape and choose for yourself. powerful stuff, thank you for sharing!

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soulbox 4 weeks ago

Thank you for sharing this. I feel the same, sometimes I feel like I was born wrong. I hope you're able to live your life how you want to. ^^

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soulbox 4 weeks ago

I love your writing too!

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Hello. I don't like to post my stuff but this one makes me happy inside:
soulbox 1 month ago

I might have answered the prompt wrong though.

tehuan 4 weeks ago

oh this is such a wonderful piece! i love the changes in focus and how you used something usually man-made in contrast with the idea of nature and its' selections, ebbs & flow. thank you for sharing :] and there's no wrong way to answer a prompt. it's an inspiration, not a test. i'm glad you got something from it ๐Ÿ’—

owlroost 4 weeks ago

Agreed that there is no wrong way to answer a prompt! I love the font choice, by the way. It's pleasing AND easy to read.

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soulbox 4 weeks ago

@tehuan Thank you! I love the questions and I understand that they're super abstract but sometimes my brain feels like it has a legit hard time understanding them so I feel as though I'm doing something wrong still lol. The questions get me thinking, regardless!

soulbox 4 weeks ago

@owlroost Thank you! The font is called Simple Plan. Easy to read is what I was looking for so I'm glad it's a success. ^^

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ryomakesthings 4 weeks ago

I love the parallel between human creation and human existence - evolution as a certain inevitable cyclicality. concise yet beautiful!

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percevalprintpress 4 weeks ago

Love this and I think it answers the prompt

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Just finished the last two prompts: evolution ( and trace elements ( Somehow they both wound up being about growing up and nostalgia.
ryomakesthings 4 weeks ago

such impressive writing, very picturesque and well-crafted yet speaking to a very raw inner world. both a joy to read!

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hellooo my prompt fill for this week is up! had so much fun with this.... careful with the "unleash the though process" thing, there's A Lot lmao
grlrot 1 month ago

oh i LOVE this, the last stanza especially, and the use of slashes to make it keep going is so awesome...

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owlroost 1 month ago

That second stanza... that Resonated. May those that come after have bread pudding and tangerines (good taste).

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ryomakesthings 4 weeks ago

I love the bittersweet feeling of this poem - especially the wall of slashes at the end, the empty space is very powerful!

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hi!! i'd love to join, i've made a page here :D
tehuan 1 month ago

omg yay !! excited to have u :]] would you mind making ur page designated as /muse instead of /writing ? also totally okay to like... put /muse pages under /writing categories & stuff. just trying to maintain continuity as much as possible ! regardless, will add u soon !

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grlrot 1 month ago

it's done!! i had sm fun doing the last 3 prompts, excited for next week's!

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hi everyone! your answers for this last week's prompt were all beautiful :] i'm excited to see what you have to say about this next one! write about evolution and devolution. how do we unravel & re-ravel? think about what histories our bodies & communities & species & worlds are made of.
Here's our prompt fill for the week of May 6th. - Efir
ryomakesthings 1 month ago

love the use of the Shakespearean sonnet and iambic pentameter, you always build such beautiful imagery in your poems. especially like the recurring contrast between the spiritual and carnal planes!

owlroost 1 month ago

That first line? Brilliant. Got my attention immediately because of the imagery of it. The first lines for each stanza, really, but especially the very first one.

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manyface 4 weeks ago

@ryo Thank you so much! I appreciate this. I actually read a lot of Baudelaire poems from The Flowers of Evil because @melxncholyman has a page dedicated to them, so this was sort of a response to what I read. Although, I am all about carnal spirituality! - Efir

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manyface 4 weeks ago

@owlroost Thank you so much. I really wanted to bring the image of trace elements of decaying bodies being a part of living plants. - Efir

manyface 1 month ago

this is a really cool interpretation of the prompt!!! well done, i liked reading it a lot!!

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manyface 1 month ago

oh omg i just saw the softness prompt... it's so lovely!!! you did an amazing job!! i really feel that about my sister!

ryomakesthings 1 month ago

there is so much emotional vulnerability and openness in your work - I especially like how you used the comic format in the prompt from a few weeks ago!

mine for this week, although i think i am a little late ^.^
manyface 1 month ago

this is really beautiful and moving!! well done!

ryomakesthings 1 month ago

love the imagery you built, it's very raw yet carefully crafted!

8ballbice 1 month ago

thank you both so much!!


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club writing prompts