Always Your Pal, Melon!

10,683 updates
2 tips
Did you make "Da Game" with GameMaker? Not the YoYoGames one, but the card-based one for Macs?
melonking 7 years ago

Yes! I loved that program, it was my first taste of programing. Pestered the dev for years to update it and he kept saying he would, no update ever came though :\

floppyjay 7 years ago

Nice! I used to use it too, but then found another program just like it called SilverCreator, that would allow compiling for free.

melonking 7 years ago

Oh I had the real deal, I paid that $20 for the full version, the world was only spared many horrifying games because I was the only person I knew with a mac..

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Last updated 4 days ago
CreatedJul 19, 2016
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videogames art music 90s 3d