vibe check

73 updates
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hey! thanks for the follow! ur website was one of the first i discovered but i wasn't part of neocities yet so i could never remember what ur username was! ur website is so cute! kirby was always my favorite to play in super smash bros.
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daniele63 1 year ago

Oh that's awesome ! He's also my main lol. Thanks for the comment.

i'm excited to take a deep dive into your website later but your homepage is to die for <3
ita 1 year ago

thank uu o^ω^o !!

1 like
vibe check was updated.
1 year ago
ur art is so fun! and i love the coloring and style <3
nekromant 1 year ago

oh man tysm! ^_^

1 like
vibe check was updated.
1 year ago
vibe check was updated.
1 year ago
1 like
honestly amazed at ur art output and quality <3 (like, how dare u call ur 'bad art' bad??? lol, but as a fellow artist i understand how ppl feel about their own stuff.) but seriously, ur work is *good*.
humanfinny 1 year ago

ahaha thanks so much for ur message. it was honestly kind of a meme, just somewhere to store doodles and stuff but now i cant be bothered to have a good art page lol. really love ur site, such great colours and icons, cant wait to see your illustrations page <3

vibe check was updated.
1 year ago
your site is adorable <3 i'm crying
pastelhell 1 year ago

thank you!! I love your layout!

1 like
vibe check was updated.
2 years ago

Website Stats

Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedJul 22, 2021
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art dump personal ocs hope