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little something that just happened. Since my mom is a cheapskate we took the free bus instead of the train. Bus drives for abt two hours but train like 30 minutes. Anyways..this old man was sitting behind me on the bus, and at some point he started touching my hair. Then he stopped for a while and then he pushed his hand through that little space between the seat and the window and started stroking my shoulder.
deaddybbuk 1 year ago

I couldn't move and just sat there. My mom was sitting right next to me and mf saw what happened but she didn't give a shit. Thankfully we arrived b4 it got any worse so yeah

sleepy-sage 1 year ago

Ew im so sorry /:

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rbuchanan 1 year ago

There's no reason not to amputate that fart's hand or scream at your mom until she does

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pnnamerica 1 year ago

Creepy. Dude was high on meth I bet.

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vampgothic 1 year ago

gross. sorry that happened :( if i was there i wouldve screamed at him until i lost my voice

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