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I've decided on something for Venith's archive section: will change it to sort folders by file-type -> year -> file-name_author-name.type
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dc-blog 1 month ago

This is going to be done in order to make it more logical and easier to sort everything. PDFs, MP4s, etc. This'll make Venith's website even more legendary than before, and it will still load realistically (the most notable entries will be listed on /archive/index.html, otherwise you'd need to go to, lets say, /archive/pdf/index.html for the full list)

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dc-blog 1 month ago

This will break some REALLY OLD archive links, but it'll allow more advanced sorting of everything, so I am willing to do this. Archives will be random, but it is all public-domain files/other files that are fair game under Fair Use in the United States. Some files will be controversial, but will remain as accessible as possible for free-speech reasons.

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dc-blog 1 month ago

With the idea I currently have, I might apply something a little similar to the articles + blog pages. Articles would have it to sort by tags and blogs would have it to sort by year. I'll have to think on it. Once I finish this, it'll be the first Venith blogpost in a long while as it is a *major* update.

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dc-blog 1 month ago

Perhaps instead of tags, I might do categories btw. Since I can't do anything automatically due to the fact I refuse JS and there is no ability to use PHP as of now, category would work out better since it would mean duplicates would not exist. As usual, anyone will be allowed to submit something, but it will be in a category instead of specific tags. Instead of "tech" and "linux" tags, you'd just have "Technology".

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dc-blog 1 month ago

Reduces options *i guess*, but you can't even search by tags or anything like that, so it doesn't do anything. A category and a well-made title would be far better of an idea for Venith than the alternative considering this. If or when Venith gets an actual backend, I'll gladly make it use tags + categories, but otherwise it's just worse overall.

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