
3,146 updates
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Cid!!!! Resend eMail please 😭😭😭 it has not reached me!
cidoku 1 week ago

resent ;)

cidoku 1 week ago

If this one doesn't reach you, there might be a problem with either gmail or my mail server. you know how these things are.

Hey! Let me know if you received my submission, I mailed you about five days ago. If not, I'll try resending from a different address.
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sakana 1 week ago

Ah, nevermind, I just saw your other exchanges where you explained firemail isn't being reliable and provided your gmail. I will re-send there.

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capstasher 1 week ago

I have indeed, i am sorry for the delay. Been caught up in a lot lately. Will read through and eMail you my thoughts. The illustrations look fantastic though! Thank you so much for your submission!

capstasher 1 week ago

While i read through, however, please think of a song that you think best represents the story. It could be any song of your choosing, so long as it is on Spotify, which i hope is broad enough. (I have a devious little plan for these)

capstasher 1 week ago

Accidentally deleted the reply, but message received. Let me know when they reply

Hey, check your mailbox.
capstasher 1 week ago

Your mail has not reached me yet friend. Try to resend it at

Dear Count, please reach out with an update on "the project" when you are available. If no update is available, reach out anyways so we can discuss ideas. Use (as firemail is buggy and may lose eMails)
cidoku 2 weeks ago

Right, I had to do that. I've been too focused on other stuff, hence no updates on my site either... Don't worry, I'll reach out within the week.

Nvm me drinking the sea over here (Thor re-enactment.)
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capstasher 4 weeks ago

Thank you for your service o7

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have sent you an electronic letter. reply with due haste. sincerely, jax
capstasher 4 weeks ago

Reply has been sent o7

I will eMail you with the zine deets later today, be sure to harass me if I forget. I want to have you on this project!
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webpage-1990-colourised 1 month ago

Will be sure to keep an eye out for it. Now I'm not sure where or how you would have an email to contact me so I have sent a pigeon with it, be sure to feed it for it's trip home.

capstasher 4 weeks ago

Worry not, your pigeon will be treated like a king on our lands.

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MGSV is a beautiful game. You cannot tell me Venom Snake is not one of the best male characters in gaming, and you cannot tell me Quiet is not one of the best female characters in gaming
ismringofpower 1 month ago

I concur fully with this. The entire series is filled with such tragic poetry, but MGSV is really what ties it all together.

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Hey nerds, posting this from my laptop. It might have been gravely injured, but somehow runs again. The drive is damaged, that is sure, as moving the laptop glitches it out, and creates orphaned nodes on next boot. Monday i will do a hard drive transplant, and shall return in strength. Will aim to finish the Good Friday (on which i failed my mission of getting it done in time), Craic Day, and Aspyr Media articles!
I have fucked up my laptop. So... expect a pause in updates for now. As for contacting, if we have an eMail conversation going (about THE project) and you havent received a reply from me yet, re-send me the last eMail you sent, and any future ones, to
capstasher 1 month ago

I was a fool and did not log into the eMail account from my phone. Neither did I back up the password externally. So until i fix the laptop, the firemail account is trapped there.

literaturegirl 1 month ago

This is why we need to do a Ted review and abandon technology.

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capstasher 1 month ago

@literaturegirl move into the woods and start living off the grid. I agree. Death to technology. *Posted from Samsung S9*

cidoku 1 month ago

Look, guys! He didn't keep backups!

capstasher 1 month ago

@cidoku I will tear you limb from limb : D

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temina 1 month ago

Hope it can be fixed quickly :(

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oerrorpage 1 month ago

hope it doesnt

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CreatedMay 24, 2022
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