vincent van goggles

6,388 updates
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vangoggles 1 year ago

minor correction - fixed the update log so it displays the proper date and time (previously displayed same date as prior update log)

vangoggles 1 year ago

might have to refresh chill zone page in order to reload the updated graphics. same for the linked furniture.

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i haven't given up on this site. everything else is just too much. i want to do this, but i don't want to spoil it by forcing myself to create when i feel rotten inside. im really sorry and i wanna thank you for sticking around. i want to come back, hopefully soon. but until then, "If I am worth anything later, I am worth something now. For wheat is wheat, even if people think it is a grass in the beginning." - VvG
cyberoccultism 1 year ago

I'm in the same boat, no time for any substantial updates but definitely not giving up on the project at large. Your site is a glorious labyrinth of style and pizzaz, I look forward to seeing more added but what's added there is fantastic in the meantime.

vangoggles 1 year ago

thank you so much, that means more than i can say. i love your site and i hope we can both muster the creative energy we need soon!

gildedware 1 year ago

Take your time!! There's no need to rush or force things, the beauty of personal sites is that you can build them at your own pace!

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ratwalks 1 year ago

i wish you all the best!!! take care, your site will still be here whenever you're able to keep going with it [: there's nothing wrong with taking a break! i hope to see you again soon!

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accidentally deleted my own update notification; the only major update is that i added a ton of graphics to my pixels page.
is this 16 year old vocaloid installation actually going to work? coz if it does i might just disappear
vangoggles 2 years ago

*dumps this in the middle of the night and scurries away*

vangoggles 2 years ago

the only important update is the homepage; everything else i wanna add i'll do tomorrow (more buttons, filling out placeholders). it's just been tooo long since i've posted

katze-alert 2 years ago

howd u do the chat?

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vangoggles 2 years ago

the chatbox is from chatango; they have instructions for how to customise and embed it in your page.

vangoggles 2 years ago

feel the need to comment on the screentest i just uploaded; there is an animated filter over the whole page. it is a repeating tiled animation of squares rapidly changing colour. it is supposed to be reminiscent of visual snow, which is a condition i have. if you don't know what visual snow is, i won't get into the details here but basically this is all to say: yes, it's supposed to look like TV static.

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vangoggles 2 years ago

to anyone who is epileptic or otherwise sensitive to flickering, the filter is very very dim but i still wanted to let you guys know it's there.

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the superior fma anime
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Nice website! I like what you have done and is a very creative and entertaining project. Keep up the good work!
vangoggles 2 years ago

thanks so much! this really motivates me c:


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Last updated 1 year ago
CreatedApr 7, 2022
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kawaii vaporwave aesthetic 90s 00s