cabbage sorter

2,186 updates
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pomelo 21 hours ago

these are all so beatiful, the mythology and forest critters are my favorite, that golden bow and arrow..... it activates my almonds i need it

cloveratelier 21 hours ago

I always love getting to check out the updates to your Life Makeover page whenever they pop up, your creations are seriously so pretty ;__;

cabbagesorter 21 hours ago

thank you pom!! i love the artemis fit so much too... such a shame i missed out on that bow ingame!!!

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cabbagesorter 21 hours ago

@cloveratelier hehe thank you im glad you enjoy my lm updates, mostly because i feel like im spamming them too often sometimes but i love to create outfits in this game so much lmao

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pomelo 21 hours ago

beautiful* lol. aww thats a shame! hopefully they will add it back in at some point!

vivarism 19 hours ago

the skating pose is so cute!!! i love the drama of it all, and the way she owns her fail... are there any other dynamic poses you really like? i'd love to see more footage of them, and more lm updates in general. who cares if there's a lot of them? youre obviously having fun!!!

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cabbagesorter 4 hours ago

thank you flonne!! yes i love good expressive poses, its a shame most others are just very "proper" instead. I'll post my other favourites with my future outfits hehe

cabbage sorter was updated.
6 days ago
vivarism 6 days ago

i think the people who love purebred ungodly abominations uwu think of them as objects rather than living creatures. like how you can sit on a chair without worrying about hurting it-- they're made to be sat on. those dogs are made to be cute, not healthy, so their ability to run and play and not die of cancer is a total afterthought... can't relate

cabbagesorter 6 days ago

agreed it really does seem that way. in my acquaintances case - her frenchie is a poor anxious mess that pukes everywhere he goes and up until recently he had been forced to hop from place to place because her and her ex shared custody of him lmao.. im glad she realized the dog was so anxious (after a long time) but it still baffles me

allyratworld 6 days ago

Irresponsible dog breeding makes me so mad. My family had a ~mystery~ rescue puppy when I was a kid. No idea what she was when they got her, she grew up to be a bull dog monstrosity the size of a pony. Bred for dog fighting. She was ridiculously muscular, decapitated possums in a single bite, tore the tendons in her hind legs under the weight of her own muscles. Poor baby died of heart failure at 5 years old.

cabbagesorter 6 days ago

that poor creature ;_;

jeith 5 days ago

i never understood how people don't feel bad about purposely bringing animals to existence knowing they'll suffer from their genetics, i wish more people would talk about it. It breaks my heart that people keep doing this when there's so many dogs that never get adopted from shelters too

sussuri 5 days ago

while ago i saw a cute guy walking 3 frenchies. none of them used their hind paws to walk, they just dragged them behind them. dog breeders now are obsesed with purity instead of imporoving the breed, best case of it is that LUA dalmatians won't be classified as purebreed dalmatians despite being 99.98% pure and they are actually healthy

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sussuri 5 days ago

but they won't be considered "pure" because of a well done crossbreeding with a pointer 50 years ago which reintroduced much needed genes to make them healthy. but nooo, breeders will be obsessed with muh purity and they will backcross dogs so many times that they will become completely deformed

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sussuri 5 days ago

i think it was on pedigree dogs exposed, there was one champion pekinese which had exact same dog in 3 generations back. sickening

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nekonokuni 5 days ago

People who buy purebred dogs and cats just want to have a pet to show status, everytime I go jogging in my neighborhood 90% of the people that are walking their dogs are with a breed dog (pitbull, golden retriever, labrador, etc) I barely can see someone walking with a stray/mutt (also called "vira-lata" here). And the shelters are always full but no one wants a "no breed" dog

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nekonokuni 5 days ago

I even saw on pinterest someone that said that "a breed dog have a predictable temperament" and "that a stray dog can be dangerous" and "I want a allergy free dog" (girl, dogs aren't duvets to be "allergy free" lol) and I say this as someone who doesn't like dogs in general. Don't even get me started in how breed cats are so freakish and alien (like wth is a lykoi cat?? that barely resemble a real life cat wtf)

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nekonokuni 5 days ago

About breeders, just watch this video: (warning: this video is not for those with a weak heart, you may feel utterly disgusted by their actions/way of thinking)

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cabbage sorter was updated.
1 week ago
pomelo 3 weeks ago

omg your tera shrine *_* i love it so much! mount tyrannas rip, you were braver than i to play on the sweaty pvp guild lmao

cabbagesorter 3 weeks ago

i think the only thing that protected me against the raging elitism was the fact that i was so clueless on mmos i just noobed my way through it LMAO then when i played for a bit longer i started to feel the air of superiority

engelsbeginn 3 weeks ago

I miss TERA so much... I tried playing Menma's version but the ping was too much, it made combat really difficult. Think you'd ever play that one or any other private server?

cabbagesorter 3 weeks ago

@engelsbeginn oh yeah i played on menmas for quite a long while - right as it came out and then id say until the end of 2022. Have you tried tera proxy and all the ping compensators? I think ping became a nonissue with those, especially on private servers.

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engelsbeginn 2 weeks ago

No, I didn't know there were ping compensators! I played it quite a while ago as well. Actually I haven't felt very into MMOs lately but I will keep that in mind! Thank you! Is there a reason you stopped playing?

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cabbagesorter 2 weeks ago

yess its called Tera Toolbox (the mod framework) and then the ping compensation mod is called skillprediction, its really amazing! I basically quit for a while to have more free time to read and watch stuff, when i get addicted to mmos i get really addicted... although last time i played i juggled my free time well

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komichi 3 weeks ago

love this! also like how you mention shining nikki and love nikki, they are one of my favourite franchise

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strawberryreverie 3 weeks ago

Absolutely in love with the Life Makeover shrine! I loved going through your gallery (did you make Amaterasu?) and your models are a huge improvement upon the presets.

cabbagesorter 3 weeks ago

AHHH i love that you noticed the amaterasu cosplay!!! I missed out on the dog ears/tail and it couldve been so good here lmao

cabbagesorter 3 weeks ago

also thank you for reading my LM character creation bible mwahaha

angeleyesprings 3 weeks ago

Your shrine is beautiful and high effort! I've never heard of Life Makeover, but I like this outfit with the dark hair this best!

strawberryreverie 3 weeks ago

thank you for sharing it! who knows, maybe you'll be able to improve on it? but i think it's already gorgeous, especially those red lashes. i love your passion for dress-up games so much, there was nothing like finding a new dollmaker after school and spending the whole evening dressing up.

angeleyesprings 3 weeks ago

Even if it is kind of a Love Nikki ripoff, the face ID system looks quite nice, and I also liked that Reddit user's realistic face

cabbagesorter 3 weeks ago

@angeleyesprings tysm (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄) im happy people are interested in it, especially because theres so little about the game online (fuck game discords completely killing game online discussion)

cabbagesorter 3 weeks ago

and for sure, the general face cutomization/id sharing is something really cool that i dont see much in online games

cabbagesorter 3 weeks ago

online mobile games* that is

cabbagesorter 3 weeks ago

@strawberryreverie for sure i will, lm definitely throws a lot of animal ears/tails at you so im bound to come across some soon. and thank you hehe its truly a "hobby" ive kept since childhood, funny

roguefalta 3 weeks ago


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loves1ck 4 weeks ago

I've never heard of Life Makeover before...gonna check it out just for the customization because it looks gorgeous

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vivarism 4 weeks ago

Finally your LM page!!!! Will you post some of your outfits too??? Ever since you first mentioned the game, I've been wanting to see them

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cabbagesorter 4 weeks ago

I highly recommend it!! If you don't mind spending a little money that is... and the outfits have just been posted.. had to make thumbnails and i was lazy lmao

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