4,931 updates
0 tips was updated.
1 year ago
corru 1 year ago

this is a little update to demystify the "low intensity" option in the system menu, now called "reduced intensity" and separated from the graphics controls! it is also now called out in certain dialogues before sequences that utilize the proxy control system

hi friends neocities is being a little sillay so if you experience Funny Issues, beware!! it is temporary
corru 1 year ago

also look at this cool emoji i found 🩻 kinda rocks

corru 1 year ago

there was a tiny little bug in the update, a funny little creature that was gnawing at the dialogue code and silently stopping people from being able to actually start EP1/EP2 (eek!!!) - this is fixed now and if you ran into it, there'll be a fix applied next time you're on site and do a dialogue (may need to hard refresh)

3 likes was updated.
1 year ago
corru 1 year ago

EP2ADD2::"As β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ's repairs to the β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ continue, disparate fragments of the past emerge."

corru 1 year ago

this update is kind of a strange one, as it just adds a small number of new interactions or changes around the site (outside of the embassy), all available at any point after EP1 begins! your usual guides will not direct you to them! (for a surface level hint though, peek around areas used in EP0, and perhaps visit an enemy(?))

corru 1 year ago

with this update implementing some of the last things i wanted in EP2, i will now commence da work on EP3... i cannot say for certain how long it will take me, but historically it's been like 2-3 months when working on new episodes! fortunately there is no Hell Month to eat up time again, and much of the mechanics i want are already prepared, so we will see

corru 1 year ago

as a final P.S., some fine pals have made a cool discord around corru observer discussion (and even modding??) if you are interested in that!

corru 1 year ago

(ok as an extra final P.S. the new ambient tracks are also in VOL2 as bonus songs! yippee!!)

P.S. a secret communique for my neopals... i'm probably gonna get ADD2 out this upcoming weekend, which is technically not "this month" like i was aiming for.... but it's close! yipee!!! it won't be huge (this is normal for EP additions), but it will add cool hints at things here and there to keep people's brains busy while i work on ep3
just finished all the currently-available content and the bonus hard mode stage, great work! almost got my ass handed to me multiple times. i'm going to throttle "god" for that bullet hell segment that took over an hour to beat πŸ‘
corru 1 year ago

thank you for playing!! and god is truly a devilish creature... but it's just a little critter... and today is its birthday!! wouldn't hurt a little critta on its birthday, would you?

wow, there has been so much interest lately!! hello everyone! where da heck did you come from (p.s. more soon)
sava28 1 year ago

i suspect cohost was updated.
1 year ago
corru 1 year ago

this adds an option to skip the collapse intro and tutorial dialogues if you've seen it before!

just discovered this today and oh my god im in LOVE
1 like
I've been thinking about this for a while, and I gotta ask: the obesk aren't as expressive as humans face-wise, but how about their eyes? Do their pupils or look change as their mood shifts, similar to how their horn-like receptors curl or move around? Just a little thing I'm curious about lol
corru 1 year ago

i am too stubborn to answer lore questions outright nina, forgive me 🀭 but the portrayal of humans within memories so far may answer this question in an indirect way

ninacti0n 1 year ago

Yeah, I was afraid this would step into lore territory :’/ But I think I already got my answer, now that I think about it-

robophobia 1 year ago

Aye, games with heavy environmental worldbuilding and implied lore that the game encourages you to seek out and form the connections are always very enticing to me. The intriguing unanswered questions of just what was going on from the first moments of the game was the hook that never let go, hah.

this update made me go evil mode πŸƒπŸ’ƒπŸƒπŸ’ƒ <-- bstrd shufflers

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CreatedApr 18, 2021
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