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corru 2 months ago

more fixes - if ur scanned entities list in golem maintenance was ultra long and weird, it should be fixed if you go visit it again. also bugs associated wtih team wave actions are fixed now (i.e. final offering)

corru 2 months ago

(more fixes btw)

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corru 2 months ago

fixed some major softlock stuff - turns out when you add a bunch of asynchronous paths to your formerly linear functions, things can get fucked up!

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corru 2 months ago

(fortunately it was pretty uncommon, but still reported enough that it had 2 get fixed ASAP)

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corru 2 months ago

many many fixes

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EP3ADD2::"The lost one can be helped at last. ████'s framing device offers an unexpected hand." certain ADD1 completion is a prerequisite. seek the lost one with the tools you have to begin. it ends at home.
corru 2 months ago

this is an extremely gameplay focused update, so it won't be for everyone... but it has some of the wildest stuff i've done yet! posts on socials and other stuff to come

corru 2 months ago

there are no new memory holes with this one btw, and it all takes place pretty much in one or two areas.

corru 2 months ago

O YA ALSO MAKE SURE U HARD REFRESH u know how neocities can be sometimes

corru 2 months ago

this is probably the only ADD that will go extremely hard into gameplay imo. i've found i prefer stuff like ADD1 that's exploration focused

holy cow i've been quiet here. 2 months ago? wtf? damn... EP3ADD2 drops this month though. let's hear it for 3 years of corru observer dev now (holy smokes) - and to only one or two more, if I can stay on it like I have been!! you guys wouldn't believe how productive it's been, even despite getting covid and having to take a break for a week or two - but you'll see soon 😈
robophobia 2 months ago

Congrats on the anniversary for this awesome project! Good luck

if anyone on firefox runs into the bug where your screen flashes white and the game is permanently slower until you restart your browser, let me know - I've been trying to track trigger points for that bug for a while and I've added a few fixes I think might help stop it... it's firefox specific btw!!
corru 5 months ago

this seems to only happen in 3D CSS areas, and only in specific spots... one was the (spoilers) beneath/parasite room where you can find the little black and yellow grid, and I think we got that one fixed

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corru 5 months ago

the strangest thing is that it's not like chrome's flickering bug - it's like something trips up Firefox and it just says, "OK, fuck this. I'm not using the GPU anymore." until you restart the browser process - and it's not even high GPU usage that causes it!! (we tracked it to just one weird element with an image being scaled in one case)

corru 6 months ago

bugfixes and stuff - but also this lets you advance dialogue with ENTER/SPACE, as well as use the arrow keys for spatial navigation now!

obspogon 6 months ago

^ great! now i can move around without trigerring the animalese extension.

corru 6 months ago

this is an update to fix a bunch of scaling issues, typos, and timing on certain sequences! yippee!!

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npm-i 6 months ago

Wo0nderful . My eye arcs with glee!


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