Fish Temple

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Look at personal page feed, notice a good chunk of people I follow are moving to nekoweb. I was a little skeptical at first and assumed bandwagoning (you know, when people migrate because of site culture or something like that) but the supporter tier there costs half what it does here and gives you more!
hardmachine 1 month ago

I doubt I'll jump ship but I've considered making a mirror at least to see what it's like.

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sakana 1 month ago

Yeah, I think that's understandable. Something that's been bothering me since I started paying for Neo is the complete absence of the site's creators and no direct support. That is a big reason for me to think about it.

hardmachine 1 month ago

I don't think anything will happen to Neocities (hopefully) since it's been online for a decade, but I also don't want to put all my eggs in one basket.

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wasongo 1 month ago

I'd been meaning to look for a bit of a cheaper host (gotta pay rent now :') ), and it looks like they allow nsfw also so thanks for posting about this!

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tojisworld 1 month ago

I'm in no rush as I had been jumping from host to host for a few years before settling on Neocities. Though it's nice to know there are still options out there.

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pixelglade 1 month ago

I might set up a mirror as well. As much as I like Neocities, there is next to no development which doesn't really make the hosting worthwhile.

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pixelglade 1 month ago

I stopped paying for the Neocities supporter tier awhile ago.

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vencake 1 month ago

I took a look at that too a while back - it's made by people from here! I avoided a mirror in the end because when I mentioned it somone dm'd me the drama between the devs and it put me off. Leprd is my personal fave free host but they're not taking on newcomers unfortunately.

vencake 3 months ago

I would love to hear your thoughts on Dungeon Meshi after you've finished it. It's one of my newest favorite manga atm

Is there any way to mass delete things on Neocities...
pixelglade 4 months ago

Don't think so. When I had to delete my site to make up a mirror I remember having to manually click through folders to manually delete things.

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yourdevilfriends 4 months ago

You could use something like bashcities or push-to-neocities and edit the settings so the missing files would be deleted from your Neocities account. Bashcities has issues with deleting folders, dunno about push-to-neocities.

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yourdevilfriends 4 months ago

Deploy to Neocities: (I called it the wrong name whoops)

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sakana 4 months ago

@yourdevilfriends: Thank you for calling my attention to these, I sorely needed more functionality from the file manager!

sakana 5 months ago

It seems like I have a lot of cats, but 2 of these are deceased and 2 live with my extended family, Lola is the only one who lives with me!

Every day my soul withers because the absolute maximum internet speed I can get at my place, physically, is 60mbps. Living in Australia is great for everything except this, it's an internet black hole.
sakana 6 months ago

For non-Aussies who don't know the political context: this is a 10+ year long INTENTIONAL sabotage by Rupert Murdoch and the Liberal party to purposefully hamstring internet for Australians because people were starting to stream and read news online instead of buying physical papers, watchin television and buying cable.

arandomsite 6 months ago

praying for you 🙏

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CreatedDec 3, 2021
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