❀ fairyland ❀

3,573 updates
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Your garden is only a day old, and it's so gorgeous! Excited to see how it grows!~ (❁´◡`❁) <3
sakuramori 1 month ago

ahhh thank you so much! i can't wait to fill it up with everything i love <3

inkcaps 1 month ago

Updated my media log--I have star ratings up but I'll add actual reviews when I'm cognizant enough to gather my thoughts about everything

shydeer 1 month ago

GASP the gospel of mary magdalene!!! i studied that in undergrad!

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cheytopia 1 month ago

Helluva movie lineup!

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@shydeeer WHAAAAAT how cool!! I'd love to hear about impressions and what you thought! I read it for the first time and absolutely adored it--and the translator's notes and insights too!! :D <3

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@chey LOL it's a weird mix for sure!! I meant to watch more movies this year so I really need to get on that goal! (*´∀`*)

inkcaps 1 month ago

Inspired by @cheytopia, I created an outfit log to entice me to stop being such an outfit repeater LOL (*´∀`*)

cheytopia 1 month ago

Ahhh yay I love it! I hope you find lots of new inspiration!! Super excited to keep up and see what you come up with <333

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cheytopia 1 month ago

Also these outfits so far sound delicious! Obsessed with your use of color.

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loves1ck 1 month ago

what a cute idea! your outfit today sounds so cute ♡ i'm really looking forwarding to reading about your future outfits!

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@chey ahhhh thank yoouuuuu!! I think it's a great way to find inspiration since you can easily refer back to what works and doesn't work for you!! Thanks for the compliments on the outfits too, playing around with color is one of my favorite things to do in fashion!! ;w; ♡♡

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@lapin you're so sweet, thank you for your compliments!! It makes me happy you're looking forward to it, it makes me excited to share more outfits haha! ;u; ♡♡

1 like
Hiiiii!! Your website is so adorable! Something about it feels very joyous to me, and I'm definitely enjoying the vibes ;u; Thank you for sharing this part of yourself to the world!! ♡
petrapixel 1 month ago

thank you for the kind words <3<3

So happy to find another lolita on Neocities!! Excited to see more of your wardrobe and coords!! ♡♡
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magnolias 1 month ago

thank you !!! i can finally talk LOL !

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inkcaps 1 month ago

New diary update + made a change to Princess Guard where pictures in the gallery now open to their original size--enjoy Aerith in her full beautiful glory ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

maplebear 1 month ago

i looove planning outfits! i'm using an app for it now and i feel like cher from clueless haha~ i always wanted to play stardew valley, but i feel like i'd get too into it and forget life haha <3 lovely entry as always!!

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cheytopia 1 month ago

Such a delicious optimistic air surrounding this update! Living vicariously through your meticulous planning which I can imagine is extremely satisfying. There's something about Stardew where it sucks up so much time but really gets one thinking about optimization first in game before translating to real life.

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sanguineroyal 1 month ago

Good luck with all that is coming your way!!<3

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@tabi ooohhh, what app are you using?? :o I want Cher's outfit planner in real life so I'll take the next best thing haha! ;u; I can be such an outfit repeater but deciding what I wanna wear in advanced entices me to use more of my closet! You're totally right about SDV being a time suck but it's sooo fuuun, totally worth losing a part of your life at times LOL thank you for your kind words though!! ♡♡

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@chey that's such a good point you made about Stardew!! I find that when I play it those mental optimization tools you use in-game gets applied in real life! In my experience, planning is what allows me to stay focused on the larger picture, but spontaneity is vital too... like with most things, a balance tends to be best! Thank you so much for reading and commenting, you're so sweet! ♡

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@sanguineroyal ahhh thank you Krish, I'm wishing the same for you in return!! ♡♡

maplebear 1 month ago

it's the openwardrobe app!! you add pics of your clothing items and it removes the background, and after cataloguing you can put together outfits~ it's really fun!! :3 you can even add friends and create outfits with their items too haha

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ophanimkei 1 month ago

Your farm layout really inspires me +_+

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inkcaps 1 month ago

Princess Guard got a big update today--I added to the gallery of official artwork and old web treasures, and I wrote a big essay about why I love Cloud/Aerith as ship so much (lmao) (´。• ω •。`) ♡

inkcaps 1 month ago

OKAY I finally updated my button wall after a million years--let me know if I've missed yours so I can add it!! (˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ ) ✧

pixalina 1 month ago

i love how it's organized by color! i've been lazy with adding buttons but i'll add yours now :)

getcubed 1 month ago

(if it's not too much, i have a new button that looks slightly less messy than my old one lol)

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vivarism 1 month ago

yesss the colour sorting is so cute!!! even better than alphabetical or favouritism tbh. it screams attention to detail... very aes!!!!

inkcaps 1 month ago

@pixalina aww thank you for adding mine! And I totally understand that, I get super lazy about adding buttons and then all of a sudden there's an influx I need to add! ;u;

inkcaps 1 month ago

@tillie not too much at all, I just swapped it out for the new one! :D

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@vivarism thank you so much!! That was the goal even though I need to reorganize them in the last few rows... it's fun doing it this way though!!

Wow, I'm amazed I've never seen your website before, it's absolutely gorgeous! The sage is so soothing, and the interactivity is amazing. The work you went into is evident!! ♡
lostlove 1 month ago

your site is so magical im in love

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inkcaps 1 month ago

@lostlove you're so sweet, thank you for checking it out!! ♡♡

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CreatedJul 13, 2023
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magic personal diary lolita fairytales