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piranhebula 1 week ago

Trying to fuss around with actually adding a new article to one of my shrine pagesssss. Shrine itself is breaking though so gotta do some troubleshooting for it to pop up in the right box hahA

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Heya! Recently added your site button to my neighbors/inspo websites page on my own site! :D Love the unique resources and informational spreadsheets, they're super interesting to look through!
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silvallyplushie 1 month ago

Aw, thank you so much!! :D

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piranhebula 1 month ago

currently fighting with the iframe of this page to get horizontal scrolling enabled- but may just downscale the 3rd picture in the set (since it was blown up to 200%). Feels like so many of the pages I was trying to disable that before an now I want to do the opposite x,D

piranhebula 1 month ago

Sorted the iframe problem out- but more excited I got the gallery layout for my screenshots page working how I wanted so time to fill it with picsssssss

piranhebula 1 month ago

Lots of lil updates to navigation on my site + some new pixel art and a new gallery page. Gotta fix some jank here and there but wanted to catch up with the updates I had backing up first :P

Couldn't get a message to go through on your guestbook, but found your page from a comment left by inkcaps on my own feed! Absolutely love the layout and aesthetics from your page! Especially the fun layout design like for your home and about me pages. Can't wait to explore more!
petrapixel 1 month ago

thank you so much!!

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piranhebula 1 month ago

Got a pop up page functioning for my own Media Log! Loved the concept of it from a few other sites and will dabble with the format overtime, but like the idea of tracking what kind of shows I watch/games I play throughout any given year haha!

piranhebula 1 month ago

Next time I'm working on the page might try to add hover effects so each title shows the cover art for the game/show/movie related to it? Could even have it link to a wiki page for any given thing but a bit less interested in doing that lol

piranhebula 1 month ago

Stardew brainrot's been hardcore lately so did some custom pixelart of my own kids in its style!

inkcaps 2 months ago

I echo all the sentiments in your Stardew Valley review!! I'm a long time fan of the farm sim genre too, and SDV encapsulates the very best of it! You're right that it has a ton of surreal moments too, which really gives the universe flavor ; __ ; <3

piranhebula 2 months ago

Been away from home for a while but got some updates with a new game review for Stardew Valley! Was a bit fussy getting the CSS to work (an still need to figure out how to hide horizontal scrollbars for iframes...), wanted to make it a more unique page tho!

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piranhebula 2 months ago

@inkcaps I'm so glad I'm not the only one who feels that way towards it! Having all the strange mystery moments just makes it feel more alive in a way? Keeps me thinking about it for way longer that way haha!

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CreatedJun 20, 2023
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