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Thank you for writing about Bandits in Print! I'd love to read your notes on the other books in your reading list if/when you get around to writing them
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saddleblasters was updated.
1 week ago
siqu 1 week ago

w.r.t. changing others, it's inevitable so may as well embrace it. Depending on how you influence others, they may enjoy the changes and thank you for it. Reading some of your essays contributed to writing again for some sanity, so thank you (´・ω・`) Weird how writing can be both an exercise in pointlessness but also the spark to change for the better

saddleblasters 5 days ago

I think it's easier to influence people positively when we're just interacting over the internet. E.g. if you like my writing you can keep reading it, and if you dislike it (or just find an individual piece boring) it's easy to forget about it. But with real life relationships, the good often has to be taken with the bad, so I feel a little sad seeing my bad habits (i.e. anti-socialness) infect someone else

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saddleblasters 5 days ago

Writing is nice, because whenever I sit down to write (or to read something you or someone else wrote) anything can happen. There's always the potential to think new thoughts or to become a new person for a few moments, as long as we can stay out of depressive spirals.

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vashti 3 days ago

I think in many ways, nostalgia is just a constant cycle. I used to think I felt nostalgic for a year or two ago, that I was happier then, till a week or two ago when I read my diary & thought things sounded "simpler" & "happier" only a few months ago, when that is not the case. I'm just as happy now as I was then, even if it's a lack of happiness. This is to say that I think nostalgia is largely illusory.

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vashti 3 days ago

I make it a point to remind myself that the times I am living right now will eventually be nostalgic for me, and rather than nostalgia being a narrowing, burdensome thing that puts me into some sort of narrative, it’s instead cause for me to live as well as I can, right now. Hope your feelings ease up soon, maybe not happiness per se, but that your necessary sadnesses and miseries become easier to bear.

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the thing about listing is so true. i love making lists, i should make a list page on my site...
Thank you for following!! I really enjoy how simple, yet extremely in depth your website is, I could spend hours reading your whole site and not even be done :3c The subjects of your writings are really interesting too! I'ts cool learning about/hearing your thoughts on Chinese topics, so like I said I don't think I'd get bored reading your site at all (plus your cover image is adorable!)
amari-ga-shin-da 2 weeks ago

Also to answer your hat question, I don't think the hat in Binetsu has a specific name, but I think it might be either a toque or an Andean chollo? I did also look up "knit hat with bobble and ear flaps," So maybe try that heehee ^^;

saddleblasters 2 weeks ago

Thank you! a lot of the illusion of depth on my website just comes from it being disorganized and changing how I do thinks every few months. A lot of the older essays in particular are pretty silly and I need to revisit those themes soon. I read your diary and like all your drawings/character designs! If you like rabbits, there's a popular Shanghainese candy brand called "White Rabbit"

amari-ga-shin-da 2 weeks ago

Oh oh I have a bag of white rabbit in my room right now actually :D I like keeping the wrappers since the designs are so cute, thank you for visiting my website also!!

saddleblasters 2 weeks ago

Made a place to put lists

saddleblasters 2 weeks ago

As with everything on this website, I'm sure this will very quickly become a massive pain to navigate as I add to it. Hopefully I'll be inspired to think seriously about organization someday!

balckwell 2 weeks ago

you've mentioned your brother's quote about lists often enough now that it's seeped into my brain and i fully believe it

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balckwell 2 weeks ago

i should start making some lists

suboptimalism 2 weeks ago

dunno if it's quirky enough but i got this:

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suboptimalism 2 weeks ago

i designed a list page a while ago but never uploaded it... maybe it is time

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suttaslime 2 weeks ago

this is a great idea! i look forward to following this as it grows. going through the music now - i'm familiar with tentenko, but hadn't heard of MikaTen

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alephzero 3 weeks ago

I like your writing style. It's atmospheric.

Hello! I just redid the JRock webring and invite you to re-join! Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you for your interest!
saddleblasters 1 month ago

It's been a long time since I've written an actual essay. In this last week of National Poetry Month, I'm sharing this piece about Du Fu (my favorite poet?). I hinted at it earlier in the month, and, well, it's gone through quite a few transformations since then.

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sorbier 1 month ago

that dictionary is horrifying.

sorbier 1 month ago

i wonder if you might get something out of going halfway of sorts -- bring your phone with you but keep it off unless you need to pay for something?

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CreatedDec 25, 2022
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