This is the official website of Virus Attack!


Virus Attack is a science-based fantasy webcomic, created by Tat'yana Sippy.

It is about COVID-19 and how the human immune system fights this disease. However, keep in mind that I'm only a virus enthusiast and that I never went to a school to learn all that I know. I mainly learned everything from either books or scientific websites. I also have ASD-related learning difficulties and thus I might've interpret and/or read things wrong. Some of the lore that I use for the creatures in this comic are made up and more based on the animal models that I use for them as well. Virus Attack is for amusement only and I advise NOT to use this comic as a source for education!


Has nothing to do with Virus Attack at all... buuuuuut I thought it would be fun to add one. The kitty goes well with the site's black and green theme, though!

To play with Gediman (the kitty is named after a real cat that I had), you only have to tap him.
He'll follow the cursor everywhere, so you can play around with him, until you tap him again. Then he'll return to his spot and stops following you. Gediman is only here on the home page btw.


You're NOT allowed to copy, trace or claim my characters/artworks as yours!
