\[\[\(Archivist\) IMG ALT FILLMEIN\]\]

Haha, I…actually drew this before I knew that @inkyvendingmachine picked the same moment for his chapter 3 illustration! But have another take on two of the boys taking a bit of a breather to draw and read after their hectic night of hallucinations and nightmares.

(YuP, definitely reading and NOT getting distracted by one’s softly drawing friend,,,)

[[(Archivist) Last archived: 6-28-2023. Original post created 10-30-2020.]]

Featured image of post BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Episode 3

BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Episode 3

[[(Archivist) Banner alt text: FILLMEIN.]]

✨Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost ✨
đź’€ Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost đź’€

Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: The Burning Stars scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.


\[\[\(Archivist\) Transcript below cut.\]\] \[\[\(Archivist\) Transcript below cut.\]\]

[Voice of Thren]

Another pair of Season 1 BatIM CoC audiologs!

They found Henry’s first log where he apparently misplaced it near the fortune teller who asked Joey if he’d like his fortune told this time (the answer was an enthusiastic yes despite Sammy’s best attempts to the contrary), and Thomas’ log they found in the hotel safe after convincing the strangely hesitant front desk person that Sammy should in fact be allowed to check the safe for the room he’d been booked to stay in.

Still fairly normal so far, though maybe a bit more worrying…

#call of cthulhu: haunted hijinx #season 1: burning stars #Henry Stein #Thomas Connor #writing #story updates

[[(Archivist) Transcript for the first two images under the cut.]]

\[\[\(Archivist\) Sammy, Joey, and Henry, dripping wet and crammed into the backseat of a car. No one is happy about this.\]\] \[\[\(Archivist\) Sammy, who has turned into a black, dripping silhouette, showing his ID to Henry. Henry, looking very unsettled, is saying “Uh… You might want to look in a mirror, Sam.”\]\]

More scribbles from the Call of Cthulhu Bendy Adventure! (Boo’s been doing recaps/highlights over on his blog if you wanna know what we’ve been up to!) These ones are from session 2!

Pictured Above: after some fast-talking shenanigans from Joey, some military guards agreed to drive us to check out one of the people we’d apparently been talking to before losing a big chunk of our memories, and we found him, uh, very murdered… and didn’t manage to make it back to the car before that headache/passing out problem we’ve been having hit, and everyone passed out right outside the house in the rain for several hours. Since “we all conveniently passed out for reasons we don’t understand” is a pretty shaky alibi, we were interrogated by the guards about our involvement in the murder of a man we don’t remember while already pretty overwhelmed and cranky about everything else. Henry’s busy dissociating so Sammy’s deploying the weapon he knows best: DISMISSIVE SARCASM. Anyway TIL seatbelts weren’t factory-installed until like the 1950s!

Pictured Below: Sammy and Henry had a sort of unsettling, uh….. vIS I ON??? Sammy suddenly found his ID changed into a silhouette and dripping ink, but when he ran over to Henry to check if he was also seeing this, it turned out that Sammy in his entirety had ALSO been changed into a silhouette of a person…. anyway we all passed out and woke up with everything back to normal, which probably means it was nothing to worry about!!!

Have some out-of-context game quotes:

Featured image of post BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Episode 2

BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Episode 2

[[(Archivist) Banner alt text: FILLMEIN.]]

✨**Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost** ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀

Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: The Burning Stars scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.

BENDY RPG HAS CONTINUED MORE. if you missed the last episode, here’s my post about it, but essentially some friends and I are playing a Call of Cthulu campaign but it’s been i n k e d. Here’s some of my favourite bits from this last episode. EVERYONES DOING FINE!!

\[\[\(Archivist\) Transcript below cut.\]\] \[\[\(Archivist\) Transcript below cut.\]\]

[Voice of Thren]

I had a lot of fun making the various audio logs and handouts for the BatIM version of The Burning Stars, though back when we were running it I only shared the Tarot cards since most of these seemed, uh, EXTREMELY NICHE in their appeal. BUT HEY, I figure you can’t get much more niche than a dedicated blog so HAVE SOME BatIM CoC AUDIO LOGS!

The JDS boys had amnesia for a good chunk of the first scenario, so when they first woke up to find themselves apparently in Haiti??? they had no idea how or why they were there.

Hum, sounds like exactly the sort of situation where being from a studio with a weird habit of recording thoughts and spiels on audio logs that just get left around everywhere could come in handy, huh?

I’m sure Joey foresaw this as a potential benefit all along…

These first two logs were found in the hotel room the boys had apparently been staying at, among Joey and Sammy’s things.

I’m sure this is all fine and nothing to worry about…

\[\[\(Archivist\) In bright yellow text: the words “JOEY, WHAT DID YOU DO?”\]\]

#joey drew #sammy lawrence #writing #story updates #season 1: burning stars #call of cthulhu: haunted hijinx

[[(Archivist) Transcript for the first two images under the cut.]]

hydrogenxdetoxidex asked:

What is call of Cthulhu in general I don’t get it… :’/

inkdemonapologist answered:

It is a Tabletop Roleplaying Game! Similar to things like Dungeons & Dragons, which is the more famous one; it’s one of those games where you sit around a table with your friends and the GM (the person running the game, it stands for Game Master) says “when you walk into the room you see a monster” and you all decide how your characters will respond to this (Fight the monster? Avoid the monster? Befriend the monster? Seduce the monster?) and roll dice to see if it goes horribly wrong.

The Call of Cthulhu system specifically is based on the Cthulhu Mythos stories, which is cosmic horror stuff – basically the idea is that there are entities so much more vast and powerful than humanity that, if we tried to fully understand them, we’d lose our minds. So unlike Dungeons and Dragons, where you usually make characters who are powerful warriors and mages, in Call of Cthulhu you make characters who are just normal people – normal people who’ve had a run in with the supernatural and are trying to cling to sanity as they investigate things they barely understand.

So obviously, this was the perfect setting to adapt for Bendy and the Ink Machine!

Thren was the one who had the idea – she had a Call of Cthulhu scenario (basically, a story that you can play through) that she’d run before and thought it would be a good fit to tweak some things to make it Bendy-themed, and we were very excited to roleplay Bendy characters and guessed the character’s stats based on our own headcanons, and went for it. So the characters started out as their normal selves – Sammy started out as a normal musician and composer, Henry started out as a normal artist and animator, etc – but as we played through the game, the choices they made and the things that happened to them affected them, uh, a lot! So the timeline has diverged a whole bunch, making this basically a weird AU.

(If you wanna know the basic story of the game we’ve been playing, Season One has a short overview here with a link to a longer summary of the whole adventure; Season Two is a game we’re currently playing, but you can read the summaries of each session that Boo has organised over here!)

#i know you have questions you always do #call of cthulu: haunted hijinx

[[(Archivist) Last archived: 6-25-2023. Original post created 5-09-2021.]]

\[\[\(Archivist\) Banner alt text: Two drawings of Sammy. In the first, he’s relatively put-together, with his characteristic resting bitch face and banjo. In the second, he’s noticeably more disheveled - his hair is longer, he’s bruised, and instead of a banjo, he’s holding a gun. He’s yelling, “That’s a great question wHY WOULD WE BE IN HAITI?!”.\]\]

So internet friend Thren recently got into Bendy and offered to run a BatIM-themed TTRPG for me and a couple friends and uHHHHHH YES PLEASE???? She’s altering an existing Call of Cthulu scenario and has been going all out with handouts and audio logs and iTS A GREAT TIME. I’m still not over how galaxy brain CoC is as a system for batim characters, like, normal people in over their heads investigating supernatural things they shouldn’t mess with that might corrupt their minds??? PERFECT

Anyway obviously I’m playing a version of Sammy Lawrence, this takes place in 1930 so he’d be slightly less of a mess normally, but we all started the game by waking up in Haiti with no memory of how we got there so things are going great so far!!!! (is it Joey’s fault? PROBABLY)

I used to jot down quotes when I played D&D in college so uhhhhh aPPARENTLY IM STILL DOING THAT, have some of those under the cut!!

Featured image of post BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Episode 1

BATIM Cthulhu AU: Season 1 Episode 1

[[(Archivist) Banner alt text: A hand holds a pocket mirror. The mirror reflects Henry’s face, looking with concern at Joey and Sammy arguing behind him. There is a pair of ghostly horns on Joey, who is also clutching a piece of paper with the words “JOEY WHAT DID YOU DO” written upon it in ghostly ink. Sammy is wearing a ghostly Bendy mask.]]

✨**Call of Cthulhu Season One Masterpost** ✨ 💀 Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost 💀

Warning: This campaign is an edited version of Call of Cthulhu: The Burning Stars scenario. While a lot has been changed, there IS spoilers for it throughout these posts.

so an friend Thren offered to GM Shazz, Maf and myslef to play their favourite Call of Cthulu campaign, which she then reskinned to BATIM since we have dragged her down into the ink with us. Shazz is playing Sammy, Maf is playing Henry, and of course I somehow convinced her to let me play Joey. I probably won’t type up everything but I wanted to share some of my favourite parts:

(haha, I started with just a few parts and then uhhhhh, accidentally typed up a lot more. also, if you wanna read some direct quotes instead of vague retellings, here’s Shazz’s post about the game.)

\[\[\(Archivist\) Half-body portraits of the four main characters, with ghostly images of their supernatural states (Prophet for Sammy, Joey/Bendy fusion for Joey, golden blood magic for Henry, and soul magic for Jack.\]\]

\[\[\(Archivist\) Joey Drew’s character card. Caption in post.\]\] \[\[\(Archivist\) Henry Stein’s character card. Caption in post.\]\]

\[\[\(Archivist\) Sammy Lawrence’s character card. Caption in post.\]\] \[\[\(Archivist\) Jack Fain’s character card. Caption in post.\]\]

đź’€ Call of Cthulhu: Haunted Hijinx Masterpost đź’€

Our Bendy Call of Cthulhu party!!
Sketch and lines by me, colours by @inkyvendingmachine, Sammy’s design by me, Joey’s design by @inkyvendingmachine, Henry’s design by @inkcryptid, and Jack’s design by @whatyouwantedmetosee !


I was just thinkin about how the boys never got a proper introduction (since they’re all Bendy characters) and wanted to give them one… while also nodding to, uh, well, some of the, things that have happened!!! Also to be able to introduce them to friends who are not as familiar with Bendy; honestly I’m still just really delighted by the concept of “CoC game where we all play various employees of a 1930s animation studio.”

[transcript under the cut]

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