Sol’s Soul

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this week's fill: about grief and brief childhood memories
owlroost 5 days ago

He sounds like he was a wonderful man. I feel like I got a little of your love towards him through your writing- he might be gone, but it's okay to still care.

manyface 5 days ago

this was extremely beautiful and heartfelt!! it makes me think of my own grandparents, my maternal grandfather died when i was 7 too... all your emotions are okay and valid and please take as long as you need to grieve! - j

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ryomakesthings 5 days ago

thank you so much for sharing this with us - it's such a bittersweet piece. I remember feeling that same misplaced anger you speak of - I don't think we ever fully stop grieving but I believe it means they left an impact on you and that piece of them will be with you for as long as you live.

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Sol’s Soul was updated.
5 days ago
Sol’s Soul was updated.
1 week ago
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to anyone who read yesterday's muse entry, this morning's coffee was much better
back from my small hiatus, this prompt was almost perfect for me to talk about this morning's coffee
ryomakesthings 3 weeks ago

obsessed with the humour and lightness of this, and the detailed culinary notes. love it!

vagueshape 3 weeks ago

@ryomakesthings thank you!!! i felt like writing something fun, but also complaining about that cup of coffee lol (i ended up finishing it, it somehow got better, or maybe i just got used to the taste)

manyface 3 weeks ago

omg this was so funny and heartwarming to read... i'm imagining it perfectly, thank you for sharing!

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Sol’s Soul was updated.
3 weeks ago
its almost finals week so i'm not going to be updating until probably the week of the 6th, but then I'll have all summer to do some work
love the style!
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vagueshape 1 month ago

thank you!!!

back from new york finally, got a blog post to write about it
new muse! inspired by There Will be Rest by Sara Teasdale and a 3AM walk outside I took in January -
vagueshape 1 month ago

almost took a page of of John Cage's book for the lols but felt like this had a bit more substance. "There Will be Rest" reads as very quiet, but is such a meaningful poem to me. When I took that walk in January the lines "and above me/stars I shall find" just kept repeating over and over in my mind. It was so serene and quiet and I could see so many stars, I just had to write about that moment.

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manyface 1 month ago

this is so simple and serene!!! it's lovely!!!

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