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sidhedustgrotto 1 week ago

New artwork in the gallery! Happy mermay! I wish I could do more pieces, but I'm busy at the moment.

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sidhedustgrotto 3 months ago

New Blog! TLDR; I'm dropping out of college to pursue dog grooming and/or IT certs instead, and until I get my life together Tovera may be on hold. Also I watched a ton of The Legend of Xiaohei and I want to make a web animation now lol

numbersstory 3 months ago

good luck!!! i also actually am a college dropout haha... i love & agree with your entire post, and i hope the changes help you feel better!

capaxinfiniti 3 months ago

you are way braver than i am for the all thoughts i've had of potentially dropping out. i really hope this goes well for you because school is such a mental & physical drain!

sidhedustgrotto 3 months ago

Thanks for the kind words <3 I can always go back if I really need to anyway, I already feel tons lighter and happier. There's a HUGE difference between a bad grind and a good grind and school is a bad one imo. Here's to hoping career building goes better than schooling has!

omg i love your site !! i'm always looking for more resources on mexica mythology/history so ur inspiration page is v helpful
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sidhedustgrotto 3 months ago

Thanks! It's super outdated, since the last time I updated it I've found a really detailed book on Aztec/Mexica mythos and history and would like to add it soon. Really I find that irl books are a better resource for it than online since online is dominated by Nordic/Celtic stuff on the anglo web-being unable to speak Spanish can really curb research on this stuff for sure :/

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sidhedustgrotto 3 months ago

I'm not sure where you live, but if you live in North America and have Barnes and Noble I highly rec "The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Aztec & Maya"! No one reads history and mythology stuff when they go to B&N so you should be able to grab it for cheap. It all works out in the end-no one buys them, they go on sale, and I (and any other mythology/history nerd) get a bunch of resources for cheap!

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tehuan 3 months ago

oooh that's wonderful ty !! i will for sure look at that next ! right now i'm reading fifth sun and then i'm going to read feathered serpent, dark heart of sky which are both p lauded books on the subject too ! should check them out if you haven't :]

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