Always Your Pal, Melon!

10,683 updates
2 tips
hi melonking!! I love your site!! I was wondering if the closing on monday thing is a manual patch you send out every week or if you have an automated system in place for it? I love the idea and was curious how the upkeep worked. Thanks for makin cool stuff!!
melonking 2 weeks ago

Thanks, your sites are really fun! Ok soo, so this site uses a weirdly complex automation made with Node.js - I made it really complex so it would be foolproof even if I was silly and updated my site while it was closed and messed everything up! However, later I also made a much simpler script that people can put on their site to get almost the same functionality!

itpuddle 2 weeks ago

thanks!! and THAT'S SO COOL!! definitely gonna look into this!! it seemed like it'd be so complicated to set something like this up, it's so awesome that you went out of your way to make an accessible script for people to use!

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Last updated 5 days ago
CreatedJul 19, 2016
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