the new koinuko

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I will be having a Nitro+ birthday bash with some pals for Zenya and Saya on December 10th!! It will be an irl party but I want to do some online tie-in stuff as well. There will be a wrap-up page about it sometime after the party. Also, if anyone wants to wish Zenya (or Saya) a happy birthday/anniversary, you can send them birthday wishes via my email and I will read them out loud at the party ^_^
koinuko 6 months ago

Context: My birthday is Dec. 10th; sweet pool's 15th anniversary is on the 19th; Zenya's birthday is on the 25th; Saya no Uta's 20th anniversary is on the 26th ♡

koinuko 6 months ago

Any messages will also probably be posted on the afterparty page on my website!! So let me know if you don't want me to do that

OKAY!! I think I Actually fixed the webring this time. Still not sure what the issue was but I changed the JSON file to a JS variable which circumvented the CORS access error. I checked on a few sites and the text is back (you need to do a CTRL + F5 hard refresh). As always please comment here or email me if you are still having issues. Sorry for the problems everyone!!
koinuko 6 months ago

I broke the images. Please nobody perceive me while I fix this

koinuko 6 months ago

ok it's done for real now. i am 99% sure all the issues are fixed now but im also not doing any more work tonight, if more issues arise I will tackle them tomorrow, ty for your patience OTL

Someone pointed out that V1 of the self-insert webring currently has an issue where the text is not displayed properly - this is likely going to be fixed soon! I think what happened is that some of the filetypes were not supported when I tried to cancel supporter, so I just signed back up LOL. Hopefully everything should load up again and work properly within a few hours (?) or so. Sorry for the inconvenience!
koinuko 6 months ago

As of right now it still seems to be broken,, lol. All I can do for now is wait and double check all my files even though I haven't changed them, hopefully it finishes propogating or doing whatever it needs to soon. I'll try to keep an eye on it.

koinuko 6 months ago

Since the images are working properly but not the next I really don't know what the issue is LOL!! Hoping for the best OTL

plasticveggies 6 months ago

hello zenya~~~~~~~~~!

i was just wondering if i could get my site/button linked to my self-insert webring if that's okay !!
koinuko 6 months ago

Hi, sorry if I'm misunderstanding your request but I checked and you're on V1 of the webring (#172) and the link does properly go to your website!! Did you want me to take the link off or have it redirect somewhere else?

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bruisedgh0st 6 months ago

no no that's alright ! maybe i just didn't see it properly so my apologies ! out of curiosity are there any differences between V1 and V2 of the webring ?

koinuko 6 months ago

Yes there are! V1 is still hosted on my website and I update it manually, V2 is hosted on a subdomain and requires members to do a little bit more work but you can update it whenever you want! V2 is here if you're interested but since you're in V1 I can keep editing it for you if you want!

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bruisedgh0st 6 months ago

ah, thank you so much ! would it be possible to sign up for V2 whil still having my V1 version available or can there only be one per person ? i would like to customize the webring to fit my site more but i would hte to bother you with such details and changes constantly !!

koinuko 6 months ago

Yeah you can totally sign up for V2 while having V1! I don't know if the code will work with both on the same page but give it a shot, you can email me if you run into any issues ^_^

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CreatedJan 26, 2021
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