The web site of kana-moonland

122 updates
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I'm planning to update this site next week! I might also try uploading some of Kana's songs on the archive youtube, but I can't promise that for next week. Take care!
2000 views? Woah!!! That' a really nice number... Thank you to everyone who's checked out my little site so far! Hoping to update it soon~
kana-moonland 2 months ago

Added a web banner for the site!

I completely forgot to add the Niku CD to the scans page last night!!! It's up now :p
Niku (Meat) scans are up! The gif I uploaded isn't working for some reason but I'm too tired to figure out right now... Anyways, enjoy the scans! There wasn't a lot in the booklet (only two pages!) but it has some of my favorite Kana images ever~
kana-moonland 2 months ago

I figured out why it wasn't working - it's saved as a .GIF and I coded it as a .gif...

Human-like Human scans are up! If you're having trouble with the images, try right-clicking to reload them ^^;; I need to git gud at coding in order to make them load better, but one step at a time!
I'm still alive...! I want to say that I'm hoping to update the website sometime next week, but I don't know if that'll be possible haha................... ;_; Anyways just wanted to make this post just to say that I'm still here!
Moon Kana released a new song called "Dress no Yoroi"! Go check it out~

Website Stats

Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedJan 1, 2024
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