Glamour Beast!

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Glamour Beast! was updated.
1 week ago
Added a "Stand with Palestine" button with a link (It had completely slipped my mind to add it!!) and for some reason it's taking up my whole preview but maybe thats just from my computer? Can you guys see it?
glamourbeast 2 weeks ago

If it is on y'all screen I cant seem to fix it but I figure I'll leave it since it's not actually taking up my whole index page

maddiemuu 2 weeks ago

it's the same on my computer! the actual index is working fine, though :-) (plus, it looks great!)

glamourbeast 2 weeks ago

@maddiemuu thank you so much you are so sweet :D

glamourbeast 4 weeks ago

Another total site redesign! I am much happier with this one and am going to force myself to stick to it at least for a little while hehe. There are still things I intend to change but they are pretty small generally!! If you notice any issues with the site please let me know :)

Big site update! I added my Pokémon shrine to my site :D I hope you all enjoy!
glamourbeast 1 month ago

For some reason when I uploaded the new web pages it didn't show up on here... weird!

virtually-isolated 1 month ago

Been reading through, I love your Fakemon! I was always a Dark/Poison/Ghost trainer so I think you can imagine which ones I love the most! I like the idea of the Pokemap, too! Now I wanna play the game with the town where "I would live" just to have a fun look!

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glamourbeast 1 month ago

Big site update! Included is I have a new site button for my site name :D I promise I will not change my site name after this point!! so don't worry about that. In my neocitie neighbors section I added all of my mutuals as far as I can tell but if we are mutuals and you arent there, let me know!

glamourbeast 2 months ago

just some updates to the inspiration page! I completely forgot to add Steven Stalenhag to the list orginially and he definitely deserves to be there

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Website Stats

Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedFeb 7, 2023
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digitalart pixelart pokemon art