Draggian Universe

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hey, friends and alibis. would y'all be interested in me making a section on my art page here for my petsite designs? because a lot of the art I've been doing lately is Goatlings custom designs but it doesn't fit into any of my clear categories there.
draggianuniverse 4 days ago

The other option is adding more stuff to my Goatlings hub about my designs there. I should make a Neopets hub at some point to at least get my refs down (although I won't be copying petpages because I downsized them a bunch on Neo so there's not much there)

numbersstory 4 days ago

i'd like to see them!

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woo new fanfic. in which we see what Jet and Ted think Arlo does while they plan what to get him for his birthday, which is one of my favorite tropes, where we see what other characters in your protag's life THINK they do. "what my friends think I do" etc. is the only meme I respect. anyway here you go >
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Last updated 12 hours ago
CreatedMar 25, 2021
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