Now Arriving at... Clover Atelier

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cloveratelier 22 hours ago

okayyyy so i didn't get in another spring entry, but i have a larger wall of text for my first summer one... alternate title: i touched grass but near mt fuji this time

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pompom-purin 17 hours ago

the new summer diary page looks great! i love the soft blues. good luck with your exams!

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inkcaps 15 hours ago

Oh wow, I ADORE your summer diary layout, it's so pretty!! The hydrangeas are so soft and perfect for the season ; __ ; I'm happy to hear you had fun on your trip as well!! Getting out of your routine can really help realign your perspective--crossing fingers your next one does the same! ♡

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snowibunni 15 hours ago

Congrats on touching grass near Mt. Fuji! And I hope you're able to achieve the grades you're after. That's impressive. Your experiences in Japan are fascinating to read about thus far. A cute summer layout as well of course ♡

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cloveratelier 9 hours ago

@kana thank you!! i'll do my best!!

cloveratelier 8 hours ago

@sarah thank youuuu!! i love hydrangeas so i honestly jumped at the chance to make my summer diary themed after them hehe ^__^ i love stepping out of my routine like this and am hoping to do a lot more before i have to head home!

cloveratelier 8 hours ago

@bridget thank you, that really means a lot coming from you!! ;__; im a little shy when it comes to commenting sometimes but getting to read your readings also is something i enjoy a lot!

snowibunni 8 hours ago

ehh, really!? from me??? im no one around these parts, have no fear! trust me. that's so special to say though because i'm mega shy too ;_; we're in this boat together then. you're more than welcome to comment to me anything you'd like anytime you have the urge. but if you want private instead of my profile you can Discord/email if you want too if it makes it any easier. you're free to chat with me 100% i promise

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cloveratelier 1 week ago

New diary entry again today. Hoping I can squeeze one more in after this so my final Spring post isn't depressing as hell. Alternate title: (long, drawn-out groan of frustration)

vivarism 1 week ago

oh kiley... i hope that writing out your feelings brought you some catharsis. it's only natural to want relief from all the pain you've been in for so long. do you think you could forgive yourself for being in this rut if you acknowledged the fact that you've been beating yourself up *over & over* for YEARS? it's a habit at this point, ofc it's hard to stop! but with effort (which you're putting in, i know) and time

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vivarism 1 week ago

you'll be able to move forward into the happy future that's waiting for you. i wish i could say something profound that would make you finally see you are a good person, that your existence is valuable, that your efforts pay off, and that everyone deserves the chance to grow beyond who they were as a teenager, but i'm not sure the right words even exist. all i can do is commend you for trying as hard as you are,

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vivarism 1 week ago

and for holding onto hope even when things are so painful. i know that you can make it <3 you're already on your way. ...sorry for writing so much, heh;; your entry really moved me, is all. i couldn't pass by without cheering you on

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inkcaps 1 week ago

Aww Kiley, I'm sending you my love! It's so hard getting trapped in these cycles where you ruminate over and over again, because it easily snowball into something out of your control. We can punish ourselves in ways that we would never want to see our loved ones do... which, easier said than done, is something I try to remind myself. You're worthy enough to cherish yourself as you do with others!

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inkcaps 1 week ago

Anxiety, or that dark voice inside, really seeks to destroy the things the things we care about the most. You trying your best to resist it shows your hard work and growth in the present. Ahhh I don't wanna ramble or overstep too much, but please take care!! ♡♡ ; __ ;

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angeleyesprings 1 week ago

I hope I'm not out of line here socially since I'm just a NeoCities mutual, but you aren't your past. You don't "deserve" anything based on mistakes you made as a teenager. Shame isn't useful when you're just bullying yourself in your head over and over again. You don't have to prove your worth to the world; you have it inherently as a human being. I hope you can see yourself the way others see you one day ♡

cloveratelier 1 week ago

@flonne i truly, truly appreciate your kind words. i'm at a loss for words from your kindness, and i hope that at the very least my reply can assure you i appreciate them deeply ;__;

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cloveratelier 1 week ago

@sarah don't worry, you didn't overstep at all! ;__; i'll do my best to keep pushing forward, i really do appreciate what you've said here– i'd never want to see my loved ones treat themselves the way i treat myself. i hope that i can take that on board a lot more in these coming months. thank you, truly

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cloveratelier 1 week ago

@amy, don't worry, i don't consider it overstepping. i really do appreciate what you've said here, and i want to take it to heart as much as i can. like flonne said, it's a habit that's gonna take a lot to break since i've been pushing this mindset for many years now... thank you very, very much for reaching out to me and saying this, i appreciate it a ton ;__;

inkcaps 1 week ago

@kiley of course, and glad to hear that! ♡ Your diary entry was timely for me in the since that just last week I was dwelling on my behavior as a teen as well... affirmations like "I did my best with the knowledge" I had are useful for me, so maybe they'll help as you well! You deserve peace of mind! ♡♡

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...Huh, no status update got posted. Anyway, I've got a new diary entry up if you wanna come check it out. Alternate title: born to eep, forced to write kanji
cloveratelier 3 weeks ago

Third time's the charm-- new homepage and guestbook, welcome to V3! Been meaning to make a new one for a while now

cloveratelier 4 weeks ago

still have some tidying up to do (and i need to make my site info page mobile compatible...), but I'm happy with what I've come up with here~

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inkcaps 4 weeks ago

Ahhhh how pretty!! I adore the pale blue color schemes and how it matches with the forget-me-nots, it's so peaceful!! ;u;

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sakuramori 4 weeks ago

cute page updates! love the flower field background <3

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angeleyesprings 3 weeks ago

beautiful color palette!

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cloveratelier 3 weeks ago

thank you all for the kind words!! ;w;

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cloveratelier 1 month ago

Alternate title for the new diary entry this week: My feet are sore and my heart is full

pompom-purin 1 month ago

Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your day!

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alcedonia 1 month ago

happy birthday! i hope you have a lovely one! ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝

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cloveratelier 1 month ago

Thank you both!!

oh, i hit 10k views today! thank you everyone for coming along for the ride :] i have a couple things to post either today or tomorrow depending on when i get 'em done so do look forward to that
cloveratelier 1 month ago

Pretty tired as of late with the uni grind starting up again this week, here's hoping I can finish a WIP sometime soon and chuck it up here. Today's alternate blogpost title: Everybody is so nice and things are fun but I also don't know what to do about that

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inkcaps 1 month ago

Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that you're not doing well! Totally feel on you wanting to hide away, even if others are being kind. Drama within a community like your building is also hard since it can totally bring the vibe down... at least you have a trip to look forward to! Mt Fuji must be so beautiful in the spring!! Try to take care in the mean time ;w; ♡♡

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glad that my curation skills have held up so well that i haven't seen a lick of what's been going on here these past couple days, lmao
inkcaps 1 month ago

It's such a circus lmao!!

cloveratelier 1 month ago

Happy April, everyone! Cherry blossoms are blooming, the sun is shining again, and I've got a new entry for today! Alternate title: Smashing loneliness with someone from home is a great cure!

vivarism 1 month ago

I'm so happy to hear you connected with your kouhai <333 A sense of belonging is so important, and easy intimacy/mutual understanding must be hard to come by when you're in a foreign land. It's normal and ok to feel lonely. I hope your friendship continues to grow

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personal writing fanfiction anime selfshipping