πŸ§ƒπŸ§ΈπŸŽˆπŸŒž Vivarism πŸŒžπŸ§ΈπŸŽˆπŸ§ƒ

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22yk01 5 months ago

I am sending you love

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nenrikido 5 months ago

Truly hope things look up for you soon. Best wishes.

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hardmachine 5 months ago

Hope you feel better, it's hard to get out of that space but it's possible...

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strawberryreverie 5 months ago

You're really hard on yourself! You say you're not getting any better, but look at the progress you've made now vs where you were a year or two ago. Sometimes healing our minds is dreadfully, painfully slow but that's ok, what matters is that we keep trying. The hard part is persistence of course... It's so much easier to just give up isn't it? But you deserve better than that. You owe it to yourself.

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strawberryreverie 5 months ago

A friend once told me she operates on a "stop light" system. Green light for when she is having a good mental health day, where she pushes herself to her limits and accomplishes great things. Yellow light for when she is in the middle, doing what she can manage. And red light, for those hard times. When you are in "red light", let your body and mind rest.

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strawberryreverie 5 months ago

Never feel guilty about letting your body rest when you're feeling unwell, and there will be a time when you're in "green light" again. That's your window of opportunity! The cycle can be a little maddening, but it gets easier to manage, I promise. I hope you feel better.

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vivarism 5 months ago

thank you orin, capy, jay... you didnt have to say anything, but you took the time anyway and for that i'm grateful

vivarism 5 months ago

and arachne, thank you for reminding me that by design this process is slow. i can hate it, i can be frustrated by it, i can go into despair about it, but no matter how strong my resistance or how mournful my lament, it's just going to take time. a long time. in the meantime, i'll try to be patient and forgiving. thank you for your insight

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vivarism 6 months ago

Clickbait title: If it crawls, it's not a corpse.

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vivarism 6 months ago

Clickbait title for today's entry: I have to illustrate **fucking all of them.**

vivarism 6 months ago

Also, added Hans & Thoma to my crush page, plus the long awaited tierlist at the bottom!!!

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cloverbell 6 months ago

congrats on the employment flonne thats so awesome!! You should celebrate!! Also good luck on your current ACNH playthrough... let me know if you ever need help. Bells, nmt, recipes, I have an abundance of all of it. I am loaded in ACNH and I'd love to get rid of my unused wealth lol!

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vivarism 6 months ago

omg!! an invitation to the illustrious comet isle!!!! yes, i'd love to come over and free you of your opulent baggage. i've started this run with Literally Nothing and need all the help i can get;; i figure you're busy these days-- so how about over winter break? whenever you're free!

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loves1ck 6 months ago

congrats on your new job!! i also feel your pain on feeling like you HAVE to rush and put out a perfect illustration project. it's really rough...please remember to try to take your time and be kind to yourself!! i know its easier said than done but i'm rooting for you! γƒΎ(≧▽≦*)o

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vivarism 6 months ago

thank you lapin <333 i'll remember that you're cheering for me and take it all one day at a time

cloverbell 6 months ago

that sounds like fun! ill send you an email once im home for break :D

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oh my gosh thank you for the follow <3 your site has been a huge inspiration to me! it's so cute!
vivarism 6 months ago

no, thank YOU for having such a cool website-- one that's only getting cooler. the terminal idea is so unique, i couldnt stop smiling at my screen... i've been meaning to follow you since i wrote in your guestbook anyways, so it's my bad for taking this long!

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vivarism 6 months ago

Uploading my backlog of Undertale fanart!!!! And wondering what I should do with my non-UT gallery... I never use it....... lol..............

vivarism 6 months ago


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cloverbell 6 months ago

Woah I finally get to see the flonne pc build! It's just as cute as I anticipated. Its truly your essence distilled into a desk setup... This makes me want to show off my workspace too! I hope it won't be a hassle to move with your upcoming move.

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inkcaps 6 months ago

I adore your inventory page so much, what a cute idea!!

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vivarism 6 months ago

Ah yes, my pc finally posted (without fanfare;;) I agree, it's Flonnecore to the max!!! I'd love to see pics of your desk and whatnot, I bet it's even cuter than mine! As for moving my set up... well, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it -w-

vivarism 6 months ago

Ty Sarah, I was inspired by similar pages from hat &!

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vivarism 6 months ago

clickbait title for today's entry: Please Be Patient, God Isn't Finished With Me Yet

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Your art is gorgeous, wow!!! It's so nice to see you enjoying your daydreams, I love the way you write about your faves. You've clearly put a lot of thought into your work here and I'm appreciative of every last line of code <333
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beetleclub 6 months ago

!!! oh golly, thank you so much for leaving behind a little comment! I didn't really expect it, but it was such a sweet surprise. I'm happy you like what I got so far!! ;w;

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beetleclub 6 months ago

OKAY BUT ALSO!! I took a look at your site and!! I'm in love! It's so full of passion and the way you weave words is absolutely beautiful!! Plus your little yume corner fills me with a lot of joy. CUTE!!

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vivarism 6 months ago

aww thank you for the compliments!!! it's great to hear that I could bring some cuteness and joyfulness into your day. i rly hope to see more updates from you soon!!!

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vivarism 6 months ago

happy december everybunny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cloverbell 6 months ago

Your color choice is impeccable as always! This diary definitely feels like December. It reminds me of sugarplum fairies...

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vivarism 6 months ago

ty ty, I think I really outdid myself this time! You are more than welcome to take a bite out of my diary and let it dissolve in your mouth ^__+^

vivarism 6 months ago

New links on the explore page && a Diary Entry that is only sort of about inching along

cloverbell 6 months ago

I just read this entry and the previous one-- I'm so happy to hear November has been treating you well. I wish you the best of luck with your job hunting and youre moving?! thats so exciting! I hope you have a lot of fun making your new space feel like your own. A change of scenery can be really motivating.

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cloverbell 6 months ago

And similarly to you, I listened to Ukulele Anthem in middle school and it also made me ask my mom for a ukelele. except she said no so I've resigned myself to singing in the shower. I'm sure Amanda Palmer is happy at least one of us got a ukulele, lol. Anyways, I wish you a restful December as well!

vivarism 6 months ago

Noooo omg, I'm sure your mom had her reasons for denying you but I'm still a little sad. I will sing a lament in memory of the Lunekulele that never was. Still, thank you as always for your encouragement and gentle attention. I've got a great feeling about my upcoming move, too! Stay tuned for room pics!!!!

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vivarism 6 months ago

Today I wished a belated birthday to both Vivarism and Gokiburi-chan! && Published an old entry on the UT side about a dream I had last week

hardmachine 6 months ago

Good luck on the interview!!

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vivarism 6 months ago

Thank u capy, I will need it! (οΏ£yβ–½,οΏ£)β•­

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