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She is SanssouciArt on Twitter now! No Neocities profile, untortunately.
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I've read your "Retro Web" article and I do agree browsing Neocities as a 30 y.o. feels bittersweet. On one hand, it's great that younger folks nowadays still appreciate the emo/alternative aesthetic (I was more of a punk rock girl, but hung out with the OG emo community too). On the other, I sometimes feel like that Fresh Prince episode where he performs a play along with kindergarten kids. xD
valycenegative 1 year ago

Bottom line, I'm happy to see there are also people of my age still enamoured with personal pages/domains and CSS design.

You have an impressive collection of vintage anthro art, it really takes me back. I actually recognized one of the 2002 pieces (the werewolf stealing cookies- signed by Gilda) as it was drawn by a friend of mine! She still draws nowadays, and we still talk from time to time. ^^
vintagefursuits 1 year ago

Oops! My previous message sent prematurely. Thank you! Please tell your friend I said hi. What are her modern art profiles? I’d love to see what she’s up to now :]

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Wonderful game reviews! This really feels like a virtual version of a 90s game magazine. You deserve a follow! <3
Your website is tiny! It really feels like cozy little pixel corner. Love it <3
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Hi! You've been added to the FUNKY webring, you can put the widget on your site now :D
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valycenegative 1 year ago

Thank you so much! I'll do it asap ^^

Your site is very cute and creative too! I like how clean but still full of content it is =D
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vencake 1 year ago

thajks ;-; it's inspired by modern forum designs!

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Omfg suita raito was one of my most visited sites back on the old web. Also - VERY cool layout (+art)! You did my favourite chalice layout and made it responsive..!
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valycenegative 1 year ago

Aaah I know right? SutaRaito totally shaped my web preferences <3 And thank you! Soon enough I'll have to come up with a responsive version of my splashpage too xP

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CreatedMay 21, 2022
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collection blog nostalgia personal shrine