Steak in the Daylight

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I've officially moved to Vercel. Thank you for the time I spent here but I felt it was time to move on.
i think the scariest part of redesigning a website is the divs... making them all look good and aligning them... the template I used did that auto and while I figured out how to make some minor edits, doing it from scratch fries my brain...
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melvins-world 8 months ago

For real! It's a lot of trial and error making sure things are aligned and mesh well with other divs, but even when it looks right on your screen; it might be wonky on someone else's!

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if when i redesign my website I would probably end up using a Javascript gallery instead of the thong I do now just to save space... buh I want one where I can add individual descriptions!

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Last updated 1 week ago
CreatedApr 14, 2022
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