Skull's Art Corner

1,211 updates
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Gotta say this here as well: I know I havent been posting much, my creativity levels are still a near 0, but I will be streaming some stuff over on twitch! ( So far it's mostly a chill minecraft modpack, but I may play other games, and maybe if people want, I'll also do art streams!
Apparently the page I used to make my gguestbook is closing down... it's a bit sad, even if nobody used it. I'll try to find another one, but... whatever case it may be, rest assured I read everything here, okie?
hydromecha 1 week ago

Ah yeah someone else I follow was talking about that. Sucks it's shutting down since it seems to be pretty popular here. If you need an alternative, I've been using this other site called Smart Guestbook (smartgb) for my website. I imagine there should be other similar services out there if you wanted to do some digging.

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skulldollar 1 week ago

Hmmm, aight, gonna have a look at that one, thanks for the tip, mate!

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Im out of ideas for drawings, post your's and I may do it :P
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cantodovazio 2 weeks ago

Desenha o Crash Bandicoot

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skulldollar 1 week ago

....Cara, eu vou ser sincero, eu juro pra vc q eu tô tentando há uma semana, eu realmente não estou conseguindo, desculpa aí cara

cantodovazio 1 week ago

Tá tudo bem. O Crash tem uma anatomia bem... estranha de se desenhar. Se quiser, eu sugiro um personagem mais fácil.

Cara, vim pela pagina do Berbado! E eu gostei do site e do seu estilo do web design e eu queria que tivesse uma opção de idioma nesse site!
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skulldollar 3 weeks ago

Vou ver se eu consigo, mas eu sei literalmente 0 de js, e n sei se da pra fazer isso sem :P

Gostei do estilo do site! Para um site com o nome de "vazio", é repleto de detalhes, bom d+
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cantodovazio 4 weeks ago

Agradeço os elogios! Seu site é bem único também. Gostei do estilo mais "desenhado", com cada página sendo diferente da outra. Continue assim!

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Sorry for being dead, everyone (More-so than being a skeleton implies)! Not been feeling the best mentally, and I can't come up with things to draw, but I promise you this isn't my end, okie mate?

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedDec 7, 2023
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