Shiraru's Fun House

192 updates
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tomorrow. gallery will be made. we are doing this. we are making this happen.
shiraru 9 months ago

i got 16 hours probably. we are doing this. i ahvent even collected the blinkies and non user buttons yet... yet

okay maybe the gallery isnt coming this week 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️
shiraru 9 months ago

i apologize that i only make the worlds biggest images on monitors this website is best viewed on ipad pros bitch!!!!

shiraru 9 months ago

im not kidding when i say these images are huge i think for the time being im gonna give up making them expandable images... they will open new tabs...

just realized i have zo turn all my art pieces into jpgs if i eanna post them on here 😭😭 maybe i could use discord links instead...?
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Never been more excited than now I’m really happy with the about me page and I’m even ignoring the fact I have to link everything that’s also exciting too!! I’m even making my own button!
is anyone else having an issue seeing my background on computers? it just. doesnt load on my computer when it does everywhere else? and it shows up when im working offline too... maybe i should ask reddit or something...
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shiraru 9 months ago

the css just doesnt work at all when viewing it from neocities... really hoping its just a weird issue with my computer...

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shiraru 9 months ago

cleared my cache everything is good now thumbs up emoji

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doqmeat 9 months ago

YEAH whenever something looks funky just clean your cache cus that will solve it like 80% of the time. i learned this the hard way too ╥﹏╥

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i should figure out jow to makr a mobile layout... thats for another day
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shiraru 10 months ago

likd i understand why everyone makes laxouts for computer but ya gotta understanf im on the go!! i love using my phone! my ipqd is good with layouts luckily!

the java is now scripting. not in the way id like but hey its something for now. now that the hard part is over time for fun!!!!
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the java. isnt scripting.
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tomorrow starts the count down for adding some new pages! maybe a gallery... a shrine... java script... who knows! ill decide the stuff starting tomorrow! and hopefully ill get everything done by next sunday! probably the jave script thingtho i need a read more button. lol.
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theres also a neat little bug thing that happens with my ipad whrre the oc grid is really big but gets smaller every time you click on one of them so thag id no longer a bug but a feature
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Last updated 2 months ago
CreatedFeb 19, 2023
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art personal creatives