(Re)Creating Yourself ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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So, I’ve turned on my site profile again after having it off for almost as long as I’ve had a personal site.
sanguineroyal 9 months ago

When I started my personal site back in December of 2022, my mental state was extremely poor. I picked up webweaving as a hobby and a way to share my art on the internet without the constraints of social media. At the time, my priority was focusing and taking care of myself after the extremely turbulent undergrad experience I’d had. The last thing that I needed was the social aspect of neocities in terms of follower

sanguineroyal 9 months ago

counts and watching how much more “developed” other sites were compared to mine. After 3ish months, I ended up completely moving my site off of neocities to have more coding freedom and experiment with things like PHP.

sanguineroyal 9 months ago

These days, my mental health is a lot better and I’m happy with my site’s current state. I feel a lot more open towards interacting with other webmasters. I’ve had a running RSS feed people could subscribe to for a while, but unfortunately many other sites I’d want to keep up with don’t. I’ve decided I want to use my neocities profile as a sort of “secondary” RSS feed, and crosspost my RSS feed updates here as commen

sanguineroyal 9 months ago

comments. I have no regrets about moving my site hosting off of neocities and simply redirecting to my current site. I like that my site isn’t “tied down” to the neocities feed, and that I can continue working on and updating it separately from neocities if I ever decide that I need a break from the social aspects of being a webmaster again.

sanguineroyal 9 months ago

Sorry for the wordvomit. I can assure everyone this will be the longest thing I ever post on this feed. Much love, Krishna.


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Last updated 3 weeks ago
CreatedJun 28, 2018
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