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what the FUCK is going on with federiefederi 😭 i disappear for a couple weeks and shit hits the fan out of nowhere someone enlighten me
goooby 1 month ago

their recent announcement ticked a lot of ppl off by being more beneficial to them rather to the smaller sites they said they were prioritizing; now everyones packing their bags i guess LMAO

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ries 1 month ago

ohhh man that sucks....i was really interested in this project X( i might consider leaving TBH

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federiefederi 1 month ago

oh this is what happens when someone spread their own opinions without actually reading or understand (or without even asking) what we've said, please read again carefully about our project and the last announcement we've made (top left corner on our site), our entire site is not about us but about all of you, if for some reason you think this is more beneficial to our site, then it is for all sites on it.

federiefederi 1 month ago

@ries we'll remove your button in a few hours! bye bye~

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ries 1 month ago

ive read up on everything after commenting this, including your announcement. i made a comment under your thread stating that i wished to leave on my own terms, not because of the mass unfollow. but farewell o/

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federiefederi 1 month ago

@ries our first reply was for goooby hahaha, we saw you comment on our thread, thanks for letting us know, if you ever change your mind, we'll welcome you again~

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ries 1 month ago

ah sorry i panicked a bit when i saw that comment LOL

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goooby 1 month ago

I never said that I personally believed that, its what others do and I don't care about the unfollow shit 😭 OP asked why people were mad and that is the reason not my personal opinion of you ☠️☠️

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