Home of ottwiz

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kenny46140 6 years ago

I'm diggin' it. Keep up the good work! Cool-cool.

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ottwiz 6 years ago

Thanks kenny. I've a lot of work doing this since last October and I had to gather lots of memories from my head which are here. :D Thanks again for your opinion. :)

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Sorry guys for not updating my site but i was learning for my exams... At least i got good marks for them :D But i'll tell more in the blog post so I'll update my site today.
We're getting close to 10k views... We've just hit 9k views! Thank you guys visiting my website! As often as I can, I update it but sometimes i have really no time for doing it, since i'm learning for my exams :)
Thanks for following my website. I'm busy reading tonight - that's what my website is after all - so I'll take a look at yours tomorrow
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ottwiz 6 years ago

Okay, no problem, I have the same, though I read a bit of your site, and it looks great :)

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Forgot to thank you for the follow. My bad. Kinda busy and will check out yer page(s) later, cool? Have a good one! :)
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ottwiz 6 years ago

Okay dokey :D Btw, i don't understand why don't you follow anybody.

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kenny46140 6 years ago

Having limited time for neocities. Wanna re-format my freebie page and follow folks then. It's nice out, catch? Was too long a winter! Keep up the good work! :)

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Jeez congratz for 11k views! :D Idk how did you do it but you're awesome
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Last updated 3 years ago
CreatedSep 30, 2017
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