Home of ottwiz

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So, I just revamped the whole nostalgia page, and reorganized the blog archives. I hope you like it. :)
gwtagacw 6 years ago

Looking good! The cartoon section on the nostalgia page was interesting to read through!

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ottwiz 6 years ago

Oh, thanks for your opinion :) I had lot of work with it!

websitering 6 years ago

Thanks for using my button! :D

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Wow i like this design. It's so unique :D Not everyone has similar thoughts to make a website like yours.
gwtagacw 6 years ago

aaa thankyou! I try my best. I quite like your site as well! :D

ottwiz 6 years ago

Thanks Gwta:) I try to do my best too, though I'll have exams in a few days, so I have to prepare for them too! Btw, I'm on way to redesign the nostalgia page, but I think I concentrate better on learning, I don't want to fail or have a bad mark on my exams :D

gwtagacw 6 years ago

Good luck on your exams, Merlin! I hope you do well. And I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with your nostalgia page then!

ottwiz 6 years ago

Now it's completed, check it out! :) And also, thanks for encouraging me.

So, now the updated version of my site is ready. Check it out! :)
bobzilla 6 years ago

thats way better then i expected tbh

I'm doing a big site revamp as for my site's 10,000th view celebration. It will be different from the one my website has since it would have a design layout as bootstrap websites, but the design is made in my own way!
bobzilla 6 years ago

ew bootstrap

ottwiz 6 years ago

the bootstrap sites usually have navbar, header image, content, and i followed this guide line but it has nothing common with bootstrap since i'm doing it in my own design... I hate bootstrap too, don't worry. :D

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anipike 6 years ago

I've never used Discord before, is it a text chat thingy?

ottwiz 6 years ago

Discord is a messaging application, like a mix of Skype, Teamspeak. It's totally free and easy to use.

anipike 6 years ago

Thanks for explaining it to me. I'm kinda out of the loop with these new Internet things. The last time I used some kind of online messaging application was in the early 2000s. ^_^

kenny46140 6 years ago

I dunno about that... it scares me! ;) Naw, I thought it was a chat thingy, too. Not much into that myself, but hey... it's worth a look. It's "safe" right?

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ottwiz 6 years ago

Kenny:it's a chat thing too, yea it's safe for real, though i think it collects data from you, but not as much as facebook. On discord there are servers created on it so there can gather people and talk about things. It's not scary as you think.

ottwiz 6 years ago

If you're unsure read this:

ottwiz 6 years ago

Oh, because of the GDPR, they shouldn't collect so much data than the personal infos like username or email address etc. So yeah they are just going now serious on privacy.

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CreatedSep 30, 2017
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cartoons personal computer blog