Thank you muchly! I like your website a lot too, especially The Folly of Man! You have a very pleasant art style.
Thank you! That genuinely means a lot to me! I am delighted to be able to entertain/educate.
Nice to meet you too. Your stuff is quite something. It's like Sallad Fingers and Terence McKenna had a baby. Blew my mind.
Thanks! Unfortunately I lost the hard drive I had the original pictures on so I can't point you to the specific picture, but if you go to and search for Diana and browse the results, you can probably find it. I am quite sure it is supposed to depict Diana, the goddess of hunters.
might never find it but I'm happy to search this stack forever! skimmin thru it seems like humans have always had a fascination with dragons
Yeah, it really gives an interesting perspective on what sort of imagination people had back then, and what sort of things were occupying it.
That's different, a Web-based choose-your-own-adventure game? Looks pretty interesting so far, and I look forward to seeing more! (I'm guessing it's WIP since I eventually started getting 404 errors after getting far enough?)
Yeah, everything's work in progress. Some more usable than others. I am planning to make scenes that are "finished" so that the story doesn't stop in an inconvenient place.
For example, the first scene or chapter is on a boat. The person gets off the boat through one of the storylines and this completes the first scene. I work through all the pieces of the first scene before going on to working on the other scenes. Then it should be nicer to play through even if the complete story is not there. At least not just 404
That is actually a pretty smart of doing it!