Claude's Corner

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nosycat 3 years ago

Added a list of favorite furry fiction, because much of my Smashwords library leans that way.

Love seeing kids get themselves a new website and promptly turning it into something that would have been right at home on Geocities. And not just on the kind of hosting service that encourages it. There's more to this spirit than nostalgia or imitation.
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So let me get this straight: I'm stuck with the tags I entered when creating the account, and can't add any others, just remove some of them?
phils 3 years ago

You can only have 5 tags, if you go to your Neocities profile you'll be able to add/remove tags (but the "add" option only appears if you have less than 5, so you have to remove some first)

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Last updated 6 days ago
CreatedJun 27, 2020
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furry writing web personal books